Volume 2 Chapter Twenty-Eight: Ironwood

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Glynda: Good afternoon class, today we are having two more spars for this class. As you know today the students from Atlas and Haven will be joining our classes. We already have a few students from Shade Academy here today, with the rest arriving tomorrow. So after today we will start having more...variety in our matches. So today our two matches will be. Russel Thrush from Team CRDL who is 2-3 in matches against Jaune Arc from Team JNPR who is 0-5. Our second match will be Silver from Team RWBY who is 3-0 against...

Octavia: I volunteer!

Much to everyones shock they turned their heads towards Octavia who was sitting with the members of her team.

Glynda: Okay it will be Silver against Octavia Ember from Team NDGO based at Shade. Her record at her school is 5-0.

Soon after Russel and Jaune's match ended, being in a four minute defeat for Jaune, it was now time for Silver and Octavia.

Octavia: Looks like you're getting your first lost today cutie~ *Winks at Silver*

Blake: I don't like her.

Weiss: Agreed.

Yang remained silent, not even looking at the right as she looked away with her eyes closed.

Silver: Yup she's still pissed...

Octavia: So after I win how about we go on a date tomorrow?

Silver: Aren't you confident?

Octavia: Confidence is key after all. Besides...I always get what I want.

Glynda: BEGIN!

Octavia pulled out her thing dagger with red and orange markings.

Octavia pulled out her thing dagger with red and orange markings

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Silver: Hmm. A dagger with fire Dust huh? Rare you don't see weapons that can turn into a gun.

Octavia: What can I say. I like things up close and personal.

Silver: Hmm... well I aim to please. *Brings out Luna and Selina in their dual swords and loads lightning dust into them.*

Silver smiled before Octavia charged him, swinging her sword sending fire waves at Silver who dodged her attacks. Silver countered a attack from below by jumping in the air and swiping his swords sending waves of lighting at Octavia who did a backflip to dodge.

Silver: Nice agility but how long can you last?

Octavia: Oh don't worry...I can go as long as I need to. The question is, can you keep up?

*In the stands*

Blake: Okay...I really don't like her.

Weiss glared daggers at Octavia.

*On the other side of the stands*

Nebula: What the hell is she doing?!

Gwen: Oh no....

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