Chapter 13 🔞

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Ayumi didn't know where Yoongi disappeared to. He stopped showing up one day, and the next day and so on.

Ever since the incident he has stop visiting her bedroom. Funny enough, even though he forced her to do the contraceptive shot, he never touch her ever since, which she's completely fine with.

She doesn't care nor ask any of them what happened to him, she could hear the shushed conversation as they discussed it around her, the occasional eye glance to her direction, but Ayumi acted like she heard nothing.

What's worth noting though is the slight change of their behavior towards her. Usually they treated her like an air, she exist but they don't recognize her presence, or they'll make fun of her occasionally, but nowadays the guys did none of those.

Instead they watched her closely, as if they're intrigued, with a hint of wariness and occasional glance between each other.

She doesn't understand what happened but she doesn't want to ask either, it's best to stay out of the trouble with them, so Ayumi just opt to finishing her meal and get back to her bedroom.

It was another week of Yoongi disappearing, and Ayumi was just spending her time on the balcony as usual, gazing at the stars as she has nothing else to do in the room.

She concluded they must be pretty far from the city, because the stars are brighter on this side compared to the bedroom on her old mansion.

She starts counting them, until a knock on the bedroom door cut her off. Ayumi wondered who would've visit her, it was after dinner and nobody has ever come to her room this late at night.

She opened the door, and was surprise to see Hani standing, usually she'd be up and busy around the kitchen this time.

"Miss Ayumi." She took a slight bow. "I'm sorry to bother your resting time but, Master Seokjin is waiting for you."

Ayumi never expect any of these guys except Yoongi would ever summon her. They clearly detest her from the first day and they made it clear each time she sit down on the dining table with them.

Seokjin himself though never say much about her except for that one time he ensure she won't be wandering around or trying to trespass their office once again.

She doesn't feel like going to see him because whatever the reason is, it might not be a good one for her, but she's also can't help but feel curious on what's going on.

Finally she choose to follow Hani and saw that she was led to the library. She wonder if she should enter it, the last time she went in Namjoon was really upset.

But Hani, not noticing this of course simply open the tall wooden door in front of her, she announced Ayumi's arrival with a slight bow at Jin, whose currently sitting on one of the armchairs in the middle of the library.

For the first time ever Ayumi could spot a stretch of smile on Jin's face when he saw her, it felt weird and also suspicious at the same time, but she choose to smile back.

"Welcome.." Jin said as he gestured her to sit in front of him. A set of teapot and antique china, which Ayumi could recognize as one of the rare ones, are being set on a small coffee table between them.

"What a pleasant surprise.." Ayumi can't help but say as she spotted the pink rose next to the teapot, she wonder what's up with the sudden change of attitude.

"Indeed, what a pleasant surprise." He uttered, his smile hinted a hidden thought that's lurking beneath his sculpted face, adding another set of charm on his already striking visual.

"I heard about what happened.." He begin as he pour the tea. "Between you and Yoongi a few nights ago."

Ayumi nodded, she's not surprised if he knew. Though he only told Jimin about it, she can see that the guys are really close with each other.

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