Chapter 4

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The sun that shone so bright outside feels like a stark contrast to what Ayumi is feeling inside.

She doesn't know how long has the journey been or where they're taking her away.

The whole trip was silence in the car as her detainer, Jungkook she remembers, sit next to her and watch her every move.

Not that she made any movements at all, considering everything that just happen in a night she doesn't have the energy or power to think anymore.

The car has been going through some rough trails as she ignore all her surroundings. The scenery changing from lush greenery to rugged landscapes.

Wherever their destination is it seems pretty far from the city. It took a while before she realized that the car is driving through the mountain, their headquarter must be somewhere secluded.

The car slowing down, as she gazed outside the window the white walls lining on this part of the road seems endless, but as they continue Yoona realized that the white walls are not just regular wall at all, it is part of a building.

Suddenly, the car slows to a stop in front of a tall black gate, behind it she could spot a modern looking estate, towering stories high the building stands like a fortress with its sleek lines and air of power.

"Let's go.." Jungkook opened the door, this time under the bright sky Ayumi could spot the pair of doe eyes that caught her attention few days ago. She couldn't understand why someone that looks so innocent is part of the group like criminals.

"Is she difficult?" One of the guy approached them, with a high cheekbones, perfectly chiseled jawline and a broad shoulder he looks like he just step out of the magazine.

"Jin Hyung.." Jungkook greeted him. "Not really, it's pretty boring, she doesn't move at all."

"Really?" The guy named Jin now staring at her. "Guess you're a good girl.."

Ayumi wasn't sure if she should take it as a compliment or not, the guy scoffed before he walks away, and the rest followed his back, passing her one by one.

"Welcome to your new home.." The orange hair twirls his fingers before leaning forward into a playful bow. He spins gracefully as he swings to what it seems like the main entrance of the house.

The other guy behind him greeted her with a single rise of his thick eyebrows, his lips pouted as if judging her worth before he shrugged and walk away as well.

For a group of criminal these are a bunch of weird but good looking people..

How do they look so casual after destroying my whole house and threatened my life with a gun?

Ayumi has no answer, she could feel the now familiar sense of ominousness as her eyes caught the mysterious guy's gaze once again.

"I'll take it from here, thanks JK." The guy said, and the arm sleeved tattoo guy finally released her.

"I'm hungry.." He said, stretching his arms up and yawned as he too disappears between the large black steel door.

It's, it's bulletproof..

Ayumi thought to herself as she recognize the materials, her father used to deal with the army and she still remember the exact texture of the thick metal she found in his office.

I wonder how is he now?
Will the police tend to his injury?
They should, right..?

Ayumi has quite a mix feelings, remembering her father is not what she used to know, she can't help but feel betrayed and angry at him.

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