Chapter 11 🔞

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"Welcome back Princess." Jimin was the first person to greet Ayumi's arrival in the dining hall. His evil smirk returned as he watched her full attire.

Hani has once again picked the turtle neck and long sleeves to cover up all the love bites and bruises. She choosed to ignore him, decided that it's best to stay away from any trouble involving Jimin.

His face might be angelic, but she knows inside his heart is just pure evil. 

"Ah the rebellious cat at home." Tae added, he was sitting next to Jimin as always. His head tilted slightly with a mocking smile on his face, which Ayumi hate to admit, only add another set of charm on his already beautiful face.

The rest of the guys are seated next to each other, leaving only the seat next to Yoongi's empty for her.

"So I heard you've been up for a little adventure while we're away?" Jin, who hasn't talked to her at all since the first day of her arrival, asked.

There was a brief silence as he waited for her answer, but Ayumi didn't know how to reply him, saying yes might seems like she's challenging him, but saying no would count as a lie.

"Yoongi?" He turned towards his brother, eyes stern behind the glasses as he stared at him. For the first time Ayumi realized the position Jin has within the group, he might not be the one whose talking all the time but he seems to have a big influence or authority amongst them.

"Princess has promised to never trespass any room where she's not given access to." Yoongi calmly replied, before turning his head to her side.

"Right Princess?" His smile overly wide at her, but Ayumi could see the hanging threat behind that fake friendly smile.

She doesn't know where does the courage came from but while they're at this topic Ayumi thought she'd give it a shot, she's been eyeing and waiting for the opportunity.

"I did, as long as I'm given access to the library like you've promised."

Yoongi's smile immediately fell, and the rest of the table stop to stare at both of them.

"You promised her access to library?" Namjoon asked, his tone high with disbelief.

"Yes.." Ayumi calmly said.

"Why??" TaeHyung questioned, just like Namjoon his disagreement was obvious from the tone of his voice.

"Because it will distract me from snooping around your business."

But her next answer brought some clarity amongst the group, they started eyeing each other, whispers are exchanged except for Yoongi and Hobie, whose eyes stay fixated at Ayumi.

A knowing smirk grew on Hoseok's face, while Yoongi keep his silence. He wanted to see how things will unfold next, and Ayumi take this sign as his approval.

"What do you need from the library?" Namjoon asked, he seems overprotective about the library and she couldn't understand why.

Judging from the large scale of this property the library must be huge enough for all of them to share, she only need a few books anyway.

"I'm bored.." Ayumi casually said as she start slicing her steak, it's medium rare, just the way she like it.

"And I love to read books. It's as simple as that." She shrugged.

"You love to read?" Namjoon scoffed, clearly skeptical at her words.

"Aren't you girls supposed to love shopping or anything else?"

"What's the point of shopping when you have nowhere else to go with them?" Ayumi retorted, and it successfully brought another scowl on Namjoon's face.

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