Chapter 7

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"Well, you look better than I expected." Yoongi commented as he spotted Ayumi. He was leaning against the dining chair with his regal imposing look.

His eyes scanned her appearance from head to toe, his lips soon curled into a cocky smirk as he recognized the choice of her attire.

"Guess the marks are still obvious huh?" He smirked, next to him Ayumi could spot the rest of the guys, giggling at his words.


Her plain reaction sent shots through his eyebrows, Yoongi smiled as he thought to himself, perhaps the lesson yesterday is harsh enough for her to learn her place.

"Great, I hope you enjoy your solitude and starving before Princess but now, eat." He gestured her to sit next to him, and Ayumi got no choice but to comply.

Just like before he stacked a bunch of meat and vegetables on her plate, the amount made her feel full just from looking at it.

"I can't eat this much.." She admitted.

"You haven't eat anything the whole day so you gotta make up for what you loss."

"I can't.."

"Don't make me repeat myself Princess." His gaze lifted with the same dangerous glint that made her stomach turn.

"I told you I'm not fucking a skeleton so eat." He said with a final tone, and without waiting for her reaction he turn his head back to the others.

So that's the only reason he wants me to eat, so he doesn't need to fuck a skeleton??

Ayumi grumbled to herself and start slicing the steak in tiny little pieces, if she needs to finish everything in this plate then she has to eat very slowly.

The conversation flows around without involving her, but instead of feeling awkward or ignored she's glad.

She takes her time eating slowly as she tries to hear their conversation. Her experience living with her dad along with the high education he has set for her led her to understand a few things.

There's a new target, the proof is in hands, it's only a matter of time before they take over. They start talking about the raid, the new gun they want to try and who is going to be in charge of his companies after they put him in jail.

It feels like a similar pattern, now that Ayumi think about it, her father and Kim Ju Pyoo stood in the same circle, and the new target seems to be someone her father knew as well.

But the main difference that she caught is, there is no plan to kill the guy on the spot.

Unlike the time when Yoongi is eager to kill her father, it seems like the whole plan was only to raid his house, sent him to jail, and take over the companies.

Ayumi ponders what makes her father different than the rest of the target. Yoongi have mentioned that how torturous it must be for her father to watch his precious daughter in one of his enemy's hands.

That means there's a bad blood going on in the past between them?

She starts to wonder what happened in the past, and if she could probably dig around a little round the house to find out what's going on.

The conversation flows to the end of their plan where Jin & Namjoon will arrange the spin-off of the companies as usual, as Ayumi notice that both of them, along with Yoongi are the main brain in the operation.

"Satisfied with what you've heard Princess?" Yoongi's cold gaze fell under her as Ayumi tried not to react, she gripped her fork a little harder before placing the steak elegantly inside her mouth.

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