Chapter 12

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The next morning it was the first time Ayumi woke up with a feeling of bliss in that luxurious estate she called prison. She turned around, half expecting it was only a dream, but was pleasantly surprised to find Yoongi sleeping peacefully next to her.

Her gaze traced his delicate features, while sleeping his intimidating presence dispersed, replaced with a serene expression that settled on his beautiful face. 

His eyes that used to shot daggers at her were gently closed, his long lashes rested at the top of his cheeks, and his porcelain white skin stood out in stark contrast with his dark hair that tousled slightly, framing his face.

The ray of sunlight fell gently at the smooth line of his jaw, she never thought about it but his side profile looked even better than his front, and as she turned towards the source of light she realized that they've been sleeping the whole night...

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The ray of sunlight fell gently at the smooth line of his jaw, she never thought about it but his side profile looked even better than his front, and as she turned towards the source of light she realized that they've been sleeping the whole night with her balcony door wide open.

She pushed herself up from the bed, staring at her naked body this time Ayumi saw no trace of his usual violent love bites. She picked up her kimono and wrapped it around her body with a smile.

She didn't know yet the reason why Yoongi's being so gentle towards her last night but when he woke up he'll surely explain it, she also wondered where did he learned her childhood name.

She closed the balcony door slowly, careful not to wake him up, but the metallic click as the door shut roused him up from his sleep.

As Ayumi turned around she could spot his sleepy face dazed with confusion of his surroundings. It took him a few seconds later to register Ayumi's presence, and when he finally recognized her he frowned.

"What am I doing here?" Yoongi held his spinning head, he could only remember a few fragments of what happened last night.

"You.. You don't remember?" Ayumi couldn't mask the pain that flashed across her face, how could he forgot everything.

"No, what did you do?" Yoongi asked.

"You, you came to me last night." Ayumi said, but she can sense his wariness as he stared at her, as if he doesn't believe her.

"It's the truth, look I just close the balcony door because you came through it last night, and then we, we slept together.."

"There's no way I.." He was about to retort, but the flashes of memory that suddenly flooded through his head stopped him.

Yoongi had to close his eyes as he struggle between the banging headache and the bits of memories rushing through his brain, it was a few seconds later before his eyes widened so suddenly as he snapped his head back at her direction.

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