Chapter 9 🔞

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Warning : Non-consensual sex
Read at your own discretion

Ayumi couldn't believe her luck, just a couple of minutes ago she praised herself for being able to break through one of their toughest security system, but now Yoongi was already standing in front of her, and nonetheless with Park Jimin.

Her hair stood at the memory of him tearing down her bedroom door, just like before he watched her with the same amusement grin, as if it's a fun game he's playing with her.

"How did you get in here?" Yoongi's question turn her eyes back at his, she couldn't tell him it was through Hani, she couldn't dare to think of the consequences she's going to put her through.

"It.. Was.." But Ayumi got no answer, she could only stutter. While Jimin and Yoongi impatiently waiting for her to finish, Namjoon walked into the room.

"I checked the other room, it was safe, this is the only area she crossed."

How did they know?
There's not even a single alarm ringing..
And they weren't in house for days!!

She thought of her father's warning back them, and once again she felt how naive she's been for thinking she could run away so easily from this fortress.

"Get Hani here." Yoongi said.

"Wait!!" Ayumi shot up from her seat, and she could spot the curl at the end of his lips as she realized, that she has fallen into his trap once again.

"Please, don't.." She could only plead this time, she doesn't want Hani to find out about this, she has been her only friend in this house and she's not ready to lose her.

"It wasn't her, it was all me! She doesn't even realized it! I.. I want to find out about my dad, that's why.."

"Please don't tell Hani about this.. It was all my doing.."

"All your doing?" Jimin's brows risen, his eyes glinted with a dark amusement as he laughed, with a mocking and sinister tone that made Ayumi felt the same sense of discomfort and unease whenever Jimin paid attention to her.

"Maybe we underestimate your girl Hyung." He leaned his hands on Yoongi's shoulder. His eyes lazily gaze upon his brother.

"We thought you taught her to be the obedient cat at home, but now, she's not as innocent as you thought she would huh?"

"Maybe she has a potential to be one of us, her beauty can bewitch anyone, and look, she always pretended to be docile and weep whenever you cornered her, but behind us.."

"She could even tricked Hani and get the code from her without her knowing.." Jimin's grin turned even wider, as his bright eyes rounded with a psychotic look that create such a stark contrast with his angelic appearance.

"Or maybe.." He tilted his head. "You haven't taught her enough lessons Hyung?"

Ayumi's heart clenched with fear as soon as Jimin dropped those words, his eerie laughter echoed off the walls, enveloping the dark space with ominous atmosphere.

"Perhaps.." Yoongi said, his low voice dripped with menacing tone. "You're right.."

"No.." Ayumi shakes her head weakly, she knew what's coming next after Jimin's provocation, but she's not ready for it.

"Leave us alone." Yoongi's command felt like a sledgehammer down to her chest, while Jimin who happily obliged sent a wink down her way.

"Good luck.." He smiled mockingly. "Princess.." He turned around, with the click clack of his chelsea boots while Namjoon follow his back.

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