Chapter 10

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When Ayumi opened her eyes again she found herself in her own bed with her pajamas.

She got up slowly, her whole body hurt especially around the core, and her head is giving out a slight headache, she feels like a mess but glad that at least she's clothed.

She lifted her sleeves up, and the result of his assault from last night has now replaced the bruises that almost disappear from the first night.

Ayumi could feel the heat of shame, embarrassment and fury burning at the same time as she studied her body closely.

Yoongi just raped her, it was totally different than the first night he took her virginity, she now realized he was still holding back at that time, but now he has turned into a complete beast.

I need to get out of here..
But how? I trespassed one office and he fucked me until I feel like I'm dying??

It's hard to believe it was only yesterday when she had hopes and planned to escape from here, but now she doubts she would ever be able to do it, even when they're away from the house they're watching her every moves.

Does that mean..
I'm going to be his sex toy forever?

No.. No!!
I will not!

Ayumi, suddenly filled with different kind of strength from her anger rose up from her bed, she started pulling different kinds of furniture in her room.

She took the light vanity chair, pulling it to block the front lock of her bedroom. She continued with the bedside table, the lounge chair, until the heaviest loveseat couch that took a whole loads of strength from her to complete the barricade.

Once she's done her frail legs given up, panting heavily she watched the result in front of her. Despite the messiness she managed to block the front door so no one can enter even if they have the key to her bedroom.

She fell to her own bed, exhausted beyond the core. She has done this impulsively when she hasn't even recovered yet from what he did to her last night.

But it doesn't matter, from now on no one can enter her room anymore, she is safe from Yoongi's reach. She doesn't even care for the food or everything else, she'd rather starve and die than to serve that bastard again.

It was around an hour later when Ayumi heard the first knock from her bedroom door, she could also recognize the voice that followed after.

"Miss Ayumi, please open the door.."

Ayumi wondered if Hani already found out about her doing, whether Yoongi has filled her in with what happened yesterday night. She felt ashamed just from thinking about it. The only person who treated her like a human in this house is Hani, but she pay her back by tricking and lying to her.

She doesn't know how to answer her, she could see the gap between the door that was slightly ajar as Hani tried to push her way in, but the barricade of furniture she set before stood in her way.

"Miss.. Please have something to eat.."

Ayumi keep her silence, even if she could sense Hani's worry through her voice she doesn't know how to face her right now, so she choose to bury herself between the sheets once again.

It was a few more knocks before Hani finally gave up, and Ayumi was left alone again in her room, eyes staring empty at the canopy on top of her bed.

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