Chapter 2

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"I can't believe it's tomorrow and you still haven't got anything??" Chang Mi's words add another set of panic in Ayumi's heart.

She was standing in front of the full length mirror, this time in her own dressing room. She has finally given up and take her father's advice to let the boutique send the newest collection, but none of them feels right for her, and to ask for a custom dress now would be a little too late.

"What should I do? The party is tomorrow!" Ayumi said as she stripped herself down from another dress.

"Just pick any of them. What about this?" Chang Mi pulled out a red silk dress, the V cut is a little too low, but it's simple and chic, the way she usually dress.

"Nah.." She shook her head. "It looks slightly slutty."

"It's okay to look slightly slutty on your own birthday party, pair it with this white scarf and it'll cover your boobs."

"Nah.." Ayumi shook her head once again. "I want something that's simple but elegant yet mesmerizing that leaves an impression."

"Good luck finding that." Chang Mi stick the red dress back to it's place. Ayumi know she's tired and so is she. Buried by dozens of dresses around from Chanel, Dior, and even Hermes none of them feels right.

With a big sigh she plopped down the vanity chair and take another good look around her. She scanned the dress thoroughly as her brain trying to remember which from any of this dress catch her most attention.

Perhaps the navy blue dress, it seems pretty good with the Crystal embellished on the sideline, or maybe the..

"Miss you have a package." One of the maid knocked the door, cutting  out her thoughts as she rose up.

"What is it?" Ayumi's eyes widened at the huge box wrapped in luxurious silky paper, adorned with delicate pink ribbons and intricate detailing.

She place it down the vanity chair before unboxing it. Pulling the ribbon and the box open she found a dress nestled within layers of tissue paper, on top of it a small card attached with a handwritten note.

I hope this helps.

From your secret admirer,

"Oh my God it's beautiful." Chang Mi gasped as Ayumi pulled out one of the most exquisite dress she ever seen in her whole life.

The beautiful rose gold dress glistens under the light. Its soft, metallic hue shimmers with a glow, casting a radiant aura.

Delicate crystals decorated the bodice, sparkling like star, their facets catching and reflecting the light with every movement.

As Ayumi put it on the dress drapes her gracefully, accentuating her curves and flowing with a mesmerizing elegance that she's been looking for.

Whoever it is that sends this package seems to know her taste, her body inch by inch, as it hugged her frame so perfectly she knew this is the perfect dress.

"Who is Y?" Chang Mi asked the biggest question in Ayumi's head. But she has no idea, she has countless suitor since she's in her teenage days, and she always politely maintain their distance, she couldn't possibly remember each and every one of their names.

"I don't know." She breathed as she admire her own appearance at the mirror. She took the card from Chang Mi and read the message once again.

It was short, nothing sweet or too much on it, which doesn't ring a bell. Most of her suitors shower her with excessive flowers and compliments, but none of them was ever this curt.

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