Chapter 1

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- Live, live til you can't bear to live anymore -

It was one out of the many days in Seoul where the sun shines bright. The gentle breeze caressed the leaves, carrying whispers of tranquility through the air.

Ayumi stepped out of the huge white mansion she calls home. It stood majestically atop a manicured lawn, its grand columns and expansive windows gleaming in the sunlight.

"Miss, where are we going today?" Her driver asked. His bulky figure stood tall, towering against the shadow of the luxurious pearly-white BMW her father has gifted for her last birthday.

"Let's go to the university, after that I'm meeting Chang Mi for shopping." She answered with her usual cheery tone, only to receive a curt nod as his response.

Ayumi is used to Hee-Kyung's cold response, it's natural as her driver is also her bodyguard who has been trained to stay alert all the time around her.

She doesn't ever question her father's strong will to have a guard stationed and follow her around all the time. All she knows is he has been quite wary and overprotective towards her for her whole life.

Considering she is his only child and his father has lost her mother to a tragic car accident since she was at young age she deemed that it's perfectly understandable. Her father is her one and only hero who has provide her with the love and warmth of a family.

"We're here Miss." Hee-kyung said as he parked the car right in front of her university building.

She nodded and wait, until Hee-kyung went out from the driver's seat to open the side of her door.

She took his hands in and rose up from her seat, drawing some gaze from her classmates. A few whispers can be heard but she's used to it.

His father is a pretty prominent figure in the city, and no one dared to mess with his one and only princess.

Accompanied with her beautiful and delicate features, her pearly white complexion, and her graceful demeanor, Ayumi is the belle of the university.

Her life is deemed perfect for others, she also excels in her major, received tremendous support from the professors, and quite a handful of suitors.


Just like any other day one of her suitors Baek-Hyun, whom she has seen quite often come up to her. This time he's holding a bouquet of lilies, it was beautiful, a mix of white and pink lilies together.

"This is for you."

She received it with a bright smile, it's indeed one of her favorite flowers with her favorite color combination, white and pink together.

"Thank you so much." Her smile rose again as she spotted the red tints on his cheeks.

The thing about Ayumi is she has a naturally good heart. So despite how perfect her life is, or how much she can brag or boast about it, she treats everyone with respect that they deserves.

Her nature makes it harder for girls to hate her, so even though they secretly envy her, they couldn't act hostile towards her.

"Do you want to join our group for lunch today?" Baek-hyun dares himself to ask.

"I'd love to." She answered earnestly. "But today I promised Chang Mi I'm going to shop with her."

"It's okay, how about tomorrow?"

"Sure, can Chang Mi join us too?"

"No problem."

"I'll see you tomorrow then!" Ayumi said as she waves goodbye to one of her suitors. She doesn't has the heart to outright reject them, but she keeps her friends around the bay to let them know her intention.

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