🍁 || Withered || 🍁

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I updated the few chapters continuously in the previous week because I wanted to see whether you guys would still support that same with votes even after getting regular updates but No!
..And Now I Got my answers😌
It's going to be two days in week means I'll just update two days in a week...
No More Problems👍🏻





It was night when Taehyung was sitting in a club, but his mind was churning, he was drinking while watching all the people around him.

Everyone was dancing drunk under that colourful neon lights, loud music was echoing in the club, no one cared about shame, no one cared about their genders or sub-genders, they were just enjoying their moments with eachother, completely carefree without any concern for society's opinion or their own dignities.

He was sipping his drink when his eyes fell on some males, and by looking at them he could easily say that they are some betas and omegas. Because their personalities and expressions were telling.

While he was looking towards those boys, his eyes met one of them, that boy was wearing a tight black leather pants and shimmered black shirt with silver coloured jacket which had stone works on it and some accessories, he was even wearing some makeup because his face was glistening under the lights.

While he was looking towards those boys, his eyes met one of them, that boy was wearing a tight black leather pants and shimmered black shirt with silver coloured jacket which had stone works on it and some accessories, he was even wearing some ma...

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(Maybe some of you already know who's he, He's Seventeen's member Yoon Jeonghan, also some months elder than Taehyung in real too)

Which caught that boy's attraction toward him too, because why not? when he had an attractive demeanor and charming features, he shyly smiled which slightly stunned Taehyung but he didn't let that show by his face, he turned around and asked for more drinks from the bartender.

When he was waiting for his drink to be ready he felt a hand on his shoulder, which made him frown and turn his head at that person and found that same guy who was smiling fondly at him.

"Hi I'm Yoon Jeonghan but you can call me angel because that's what I like to listen" he said but Taehyung just rolled his eyes, that boy giggled on his reaction and took his seat right beside him "Wonwoo make some whisky with mocktails" he gave order to the bartender who looked at him with weird funny face then nodded & gave Taehyung to his drink.

Taehyung was still sitting silently while examining the unknown male's presence while drinking.

"Don't look at me like that alpha or else you'll make me fall for you" he looked at him with same smile.

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