⭐|| Prologue || ⭐

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⬆️Read It With Music ⬆️
You'll Not Get Bored(⁠ʘ⁠ᴗ⁠ʘ⁠✿⁠)

A boy was sitting on the balcony of his room and playing a calm and melodious tune with his flute.
He wanted to release all his pain through that flute, he wanted to end them, as his mother had told him that playing the flute would end all his sufferings, one day he will find someone who will end his pain.
" This pain will never end, There is only those people who can increase this pain for me, There is no one who can end it.
The Pain Of Loneliness ."
This is a modern omegaverse AU story. Where we believe on the existence of paranormal creatures & Werewolves are one of them.
Who are capable of shifting their body from human to a wolf form. In Mostly Fiction we have only read about three categories (A/B/O) of Werewolves.
But there are other categories of werewolves that are below than alpha rankings, but higher than omegas and betas. They are like second commmads after an alpha wolf. Zetas, Deltas, & Gammas.


[📌 Read These Instructions, Because It'll Help You To Not Get Confuse Later]


Mate: Instead of marriage by law, Alpha/Omega tie each other physically through bonding where they exchange pheromones to mark their partner. Bonded Alpha/Omega are called mates instead of husband/wife.


:- A pregnant, omega self-isolate and become very hostile toward everyone but close family and their mate. If they get approached by a stranger, they will sometimes attack, and if they are in the presence of their mate they will generally cling to and hide behind them, snarling at the potential threat .


:- Alpha and Omega lovers may form pair-bonds (often involving mating bites) with a special connection with telepathic or empathetic qualities. In some works paired Alphas may be jealous and possessive of their mate, while the Omega may become highly tied and needy.

:- For male Omegas is where it gets complicated. Since their uterus is not in the normal position, there will most likely be a c-section, or Cesarean section


Heat: A heat is the time when the Omega is most fertile and ready to mate, or just hide away until the heat is over. Mainly, they have sex and then rest.


Ruts: Alphas also have a sort of equivalent to heat which is a rut. During rut, the alpha loses self-control and has a highly increased libido. Many Alphas lock themselves at home during their ruts so they don't r*pe someone.


Slick: Slick is a substance secreted by omegas when in heat. It is a very sweet smelling fluid that is semi-translucent. When tasted, it is very sweet. Slick is basically a form of self-lubrication for omegas.


Knot: A Knot is basically, when they're about to cum, then blood flows to the base to lock them in and they're stuck until the blood moves on or they're completely finished.
That is why both alpha and omega feel minor pain during knotting and both avoid any kind of stretch at that moment.

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