☘️ || Leave Me || ☘️

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Thank you! Thank you so much my honeybees 💓🙌🏻꒰⁠⑅⁠ᵕ⁠༚⁠ᵕ⁠꒱⁠˖⁠♡...for breaking the target 🌈❤️💚 it's damnn!! I didn't thought that you'll complete 50+ votes this fast...you all are amazing really 🤧🤌🏻.... okay let's stop this here...and jump on the story (⁠〃゚⁠3゚⁠〃⁠)

Two Days later:-

"How long will you stay like this Hwang, you better buy an apartment there" a woman said from other side, being worried for her son.

"Mom, you know that I don't want to leave alone in a big apartment and I'm not good in cooking so I can't manage my schedule if I'll start learning that" Hwang said in sleepy voice.

Whatever happened that day, Hwang didn't told his mother even a little about it, because he knew that if he told a little, his mother would start blaming herself. He simply told that he had seen Hoseok from a distance but it was the first time so he did not have the courage to go closer to him.

"But someday you will have to leave that place, if you are facing any problem then I can talk to Jin, he'll solve everything"

"No Mom, please don't worry about me too much, I'm doing all good, and don't ask or say anything to Jin Hyung, or else, he'll take it more seriously, he will become my second mother, and I can't deal with two mothers"he said while fixing his hairs.

"Okay, but tell me everything when you'll meet Hoseok, My child must have grown so much! I can't wait to see my Baby, Hwang, when you'll meet him then take a picture, what do you call it, oh yeah!! selfie, take that and send me, I know he's totally over his mom, I can proudly say this, he have mine blood too" Hwang's mother was speaking one after another with full enthusiasm, But she didn't know that the person to whom she was telling all these things, his chest was bursting with pain, So that his mother doesn't hear his painful sobs even by mistake.

"Hwanie, why aren't you saying anything baby" his mother suddenly stopped when she felt silence from the other side.

Hwang wiped his tears when he listened his mother's worried words "N-nothing M-mom, just, I think, I need to go get ready for the classes, or I-I'll be late"

"You can't hide anything from me Hwang, Tell me what happened"

Hwang broke into his tears "Mom, I'm afraid I might make everything more worse, then what will happen, will I never get my hyung back?"

"No Baby, why you're saying this, My Hwanie never ruined anything, it's just written by fate my child, it was not your but my fault, but don't worry, isn't my Hwanie is strong" she tried to cheer her son by calming words because she knows, Hwang becomes so fragile when it comes to Hoseok.

"Yes I am, I'll do everything for him to accept me, accept us" he said with new energy.

"Now get ready fast, make a little room in Hoseok's heart, and leave this hotel soon" she chuckled softly but having small tears in her own eyes.

"Yes Mom!! I'll talk to you later" he hunged up and went to take the shower.
Kim's Mension:-

"Your performance this week was good Taehyung, we didn't get any complaint from any teacher, or even a detention letter, so I-"

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