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"Young man help load my bags into the car?" The old man asked

"Of course, why are you shopping heaven bags alone?" Zhan asked as he unloaded the bags from the shopping cart into the bags.

When he got the last bag, he felt a hard wood object hit the back of his head, and he collapsed

"To trap naive souls like yours," the man said, removing his disguise. He placed zhan into the cars trunk and drove off.

In a small hut. Zhan was tied up on a chair. He started to move and opened his eyes. The vision was too blurry, and his head hurt so badly. After getting a clear vision, he looked around and found no one. The ropes on him were not allowing him to move.

"You should have listened when you had the chance." He heard the voice, and he faced the direction of the door and saw mainmiam stand there enjoying looking at him struggle.

"Let me go, you pyscho!" Zhan yelled.

"I will do more that. I will let you go to the other world with your unborn brat. I promise I will make sure Yibo pays for wanting to leave me and you for coming between us. I will kill you. You all think you are smart, but i am always two steps ahead of you. Had I not thought quickly about what to do if Xue Yang was caught. I would have lost everything, but lucky for me, Yibo is a sucker for baby, so I paid a doctor. That fake pregnancy was going to buy me time to deal with you. What a shame?" Mianmian laughed like a mad person

"You are crazy!! I should have done more than just pushed. You deserve the beating of your life. Untie me and I will gladly give it to you, you Sicko!!"Zhan yelled.

"Shhh! Why don't we call Yibo and tell him to collect your dead boy eyy. Let's give him the surprise of a lifetime.

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