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"Okay, remember you have a meeting with your husband, so don't be late. Do not disgrace us. Behave yourself because I can still send you back, okay now, have fun. " Madam Yu mocked and ended the call.

It has been a week since Zhan left the psychiatric hospital,and he decided not to go back to his father's mansion. He preferred to stay at his apartment to avoid seeing his vicious stepmother and sister.

On a fine day, just when he was enjoying his hot cocoa, Madam Yu called him yet again to remind him about his meeting with his supposed husband, emphasis on "husband." "What a joke!"he thought.

The meeting was supposed to be at 1 in the afternoon and it was still 10 so he had time and he was planning on taking his time but one thing he couldn't rap around his head was why this man was willing to marry him because immediately after he left the psychiatric hospital the first thing he did was do a little bit of searching on his supposed husband and from what he gathered on the internet and a few sources, the man  didn't sound like the type of person to associate with his cunning step mother or crazy sister inlaw,so that was a mystery to him.

Around 12:30 Zhan was already done with everything, so he went to the agrred venue,got himself comfortable and ordered himself a milkshake and some fries while he waited for his husband who galdy for him was punctual, and  that was a score in Zhans books.

The two men said down in ailence just looking at the each "Not bad, I mean he is handsome, those lips ans silver eyes l, i could get used to. I bet if I wasn't in love with Yiling I  definitely be with him.. control yourself Yibo your are a taken man. " Yibo thought as he shifted uncomfortable in his pants.

"Not bad, My husband is handsome." Zahn thought as rolled his eyes in the husband word. His eyes wondered around Yibo's body. " Um, do you want to take a picture it lasts longer." Yibo smirked as he caught the younger man staring.

Zhan looked down to hide his red chicks embarrassed for being caught staring.

"Cute." Yibo thought in his mind.

Zhan coughed to gain the mans attention. " Um, sorry about that, so you're my husband? "On paper, yes, i am." Yibo answered straight, and for aome unknown reason, it made Zahn uncomfortable.

"Why did you marry me, like, either you are secretly sick, some sort of mutant freak or something is just wrong with you." Zhan explained

"The deal is my family has a curse that applies to all the men in my family that every first wife we marry will die so I need a substitute wife because I have a woman in my life whom I love you and want to be with but cannot marry because of the curse so I hope you can understand why I married you" Yibo exapined not like the look Zhan was having in his eyes. Zhan did not say anything after that. He just kept quiet

"So my stepmother and  step sister sold me off my death to a family with a generational curse. I should have known freedom was too good to be real. Zhan thought to himself, looking down so Yibo doesnt see the tears in his eyes.

"I agree, I will play The Good Wife until I die, but before that, I have scores to settle with 3 people, i might need your help." Zham explained with determination in his eyes.

" Deal!" That is all Yibo said and for the rest of the afternoon, and they ordered their food in silence, and only after Yibo settled the bills did they go their separate ways.

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