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For the past week, Yibo has been avoiding Zhan, and he didn't even try to hide it..

Both of them were hurting from Yibo's decision. But none of them were brave enough to just talk it out.

The renovations in Mianmians home were done, and she left. The coming days were her birthday, and she was able to convince Yibo to hold it in the Wang mansion.

Mianmian saw how Yibo was drastically becoming distant, so she made a plan.

She planned a date with yibo and staged a scene where a man was  trying to take advantage of her, and Yibo, being clueless, saved her and offered she stayed with him  until her birthday and that 3 days to come.

Her plan worked as Yibos' attention was all hers. For a moment, Yibo was glad his attention was diverted, so he continued to place his focus on Mianmian, not knowing everything he did hurt Zhan.

The night came, and it was Mianmians birthday. Zhan was in his room, ignoring everything that went on downstairs because he had no desire to join them outside.

He later got a text from Jiyng telling him to come downstairs real quick, and even though he didn't want to, he still went.

The party was mainly outside in the garden but still he wanted no where the noise.On his way down, he met with the birthday girl..

"Hi zhan, won't you give me a birthday hug at least.  You have been locked up all day." Mianmian said, all sweet, that it made Zhan cringe

"Fuck off" zhan said ready to leave but mianmian held onto him by his hand.

" Come on..." She whined like a kid, only to  hear, Yibos voice asking what going on? and seeing her plan work, she threw herself down the stairs, making sure to wink at Zhan, who just stood the shocked at the level of madness the woman had surpassed.

"Mianmian!?" Yibo yelled as he helped her up. "Are you okay?" Yibo asked

"Yibo, Zhan pushed me... I only asked for a birthday hug..he could have said no, " Mianmian said as she cried. Zhan couldn't help roll his eyes.

"Why did you push her?" Yibo asked, looking deadly at Zhan.

" I didn't push her she threw herself," zham explained calmly.

" You tryna call me blind? I saw with my own eyes. Why did you push her. She's a girl, " Yibo yelled at zhan.

Zhan looked at Yibo tryna recognize him. And he felt his heart break and those hateful eyes staring at him, and it made him snape.

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