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Zhan got to the park and sat down and cried. He let the dam break because he thought no one was around.

Yibo came out of nowhere and sat next to him. He took his time and slowly reached his hand to caress zhan's back.

Zhan flinched at the certain contact and lifted his head up only to see Yibo seated there, but what bothered him was the concers he could see in Yibo eyes.

"Can you forget who I am and that we don't really like each other, and just for this time, let me be by your side. Just you and I?" Yibo asked in a soft voice.

Zhan nodded his head at the idea because he really needed someone, and yibo was offering to not be Yibo but be Yibo.

Zhan let Yibo hug him and play with his hair while he cried at everything that happened. The reason he was crying wasn't because of what happened between Madam Yu and him, but at what Madam Yu said to Yibo, that made yibo separate Zham from Liying. Yibo came to help Liying because he didn't want zhan going to jail as it would interrupt the process of zhan dying so he and Mainmain could get married in peace.

That is what hurt him more, and it's hurting that his stupid heart is responding to such nonsense. He knew
Yibo wasn't his, and he also knew why they got married in the first place yet his heart didn't.

"Thinking about it will only hurt you more.  Just enjoy his company while you can, " zhan consoled himself.
He stopped crying and just stayed in Yibo's arms because yibo smelled nice.

" If you wanna talk, I am here for you. Wait, give me a second."  Yibo spoke and stood up real quick. Zham was confused and sighed

" Guess i will only know once he comes back," Zhan thought, laying his back on the tree.

Yibo came back 5 minutes later, holding two cones of ice cream.

" I didn't know what you like, but I thought it would cheer you up," Yibo said smiling.

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