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Zhan was hurt and annoyed, and Yibo's yelling wasn't helping, but in that small moment, zhan was done being a pushover. He was gonna die soon anyway, so he didn't care about pleasing people..his was going to put mianmian in her place.

"Enough!" Zhan yelled, getting everyone's attention. With haikuam and Cheng coming in the house, Yibo Mianmian and Jiyang weren't mute for different reasons.

"Did I push you?" Zhan asked, looking at mianmian dead in the eye that she couldn't help shrink back in fear.

"Don't intimidate her. Talk to me. I saw you push her, " Yibo intervened, hiding Mianmian behind himself.

"I wasn't talking to you, Yibo. You better stay out of this.. Did I push you..you better think before you open your pretty mouth." Zhan warned.

"Ye..s ye..ss." Mianmian said, really afraid.

"You heard her, now apologize!" Yibo demanded

"I am going to do more than that," zhan said before grabbing mianmian by the hair and pushing her hard that she got scraped by the floor. He walked up to her smiling, ignoring yibo yelling behind him

"Now listen, little girl. I am done entertaining you. I have better things to do than play participant in your nonsense.. we both know what happened upstairs. Not only are you pathetic, but you are also desperate. As a girl please keep your behavior in check because I am no fucking gentleman." Zhak said and turned to Yibo

"I will not apologize for something I didn't do. She threw herself down the stairs. As for what happened now, I still won't apologize, because she deserved it." Zhan said in a serious tone.

"I thought I had you wrong. But a rogue will always be a rogue. Clearly, the time you spend in that mental place sealed your fate for you. Animal behaviors will be tolerated in my house, Zhan." Yibo said, refuting zhans words.

"You two really do deserve each other,"zhan commented boredly

"Is your wild behavior the reason Xue Yang left you?" Yibo asked, and he didn't have to take his next breath before he received a tight slap from zhan. Everyone one was shocked

"KEEP QUIET IF YOU HAVE NOTHING SENSABLE TO SAY!! Now let me tell you all just this once... okay. If I must remind you. I am a ticking bomb ready to explode anytime, therefore I Xiao Zhan is not afraid to take a company with so please stop trying to grind my gears, or you might take an early leave" he said eyeing Mianmian at the end before he stormed out of the house.

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