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Zhan was feeling weird. He couldn't help but go to the hospital alone, because he didn't want to worry anyone if it was nothing serious.

"Doctor, is everything okay?" Zhan asked nervously

"Depends on what okay means to you?" Doctor Qing said

"Where is your husband?" She added

"He died, lightning struck him for being an asshole." Zham answered, rolling his eyes

"Doctor, you can tell me, I am strong enough to handle whatever it is." Zhan encourages both him and the doctor

"You are days pregnant." Doctor Qing said, looking straight into his eyes, watching as colors drained out off his face.

"Doctor, we can't be both sarcastic, please, tell me what incurable disease I have," Zhan pleaded as tears former in his eyes.

"I don't know what happened, but you are pregnant. Usually, this is good news, but if you don't want to keep it, no one will force you. And if the father is alive, then tell him. Male pregnancies are critical, and you might think you don't need him, but that growing baby needs the love of both parents." The doctor explained soflty as she felt bad seeing the young man in such a situation.

She left him to go get his medicine as he needed time to accept what had happened.

Zhan cried. What was he going to do. Yibo's curse has been broken by the baby. The baby he is expecting formed from pure love and him? His child was from pure helplessness and Zhan's own stupidity, trusting Yang like an idiot after everything that happened.

And Yibo should or should  he not tell him. Their divorced, and he will leave in 3 days to never return ever again. To never be seen or heard off. And what about his heart. Who will take care of it? He won't be able to give his little joy box a full family. He is failing even before his joy box is born.

"Stop it! No time for being selfish. It wasn't planned. Therefore, you can't blame anyone but yourself and accept responsibility. Yibo is the father. He can't possibly be that much of a jerk, and if he is, you can go away with your baby and make your baby your reason of existence. We can't be fighting with fate over a man who doesn't give you the time of day." Zhan motivated himself and dried his tears. His mind was made up. Unless Yibo made any effort, he was going to leave and never came back.

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