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" Zhan, I am marring Mianmian. She's also pregnant with my child. I need time." Yibo said

"Yibo, this isn't about me or you. You could be marrying  the president's daughter for all I care. If it were up to me. I would have left without telling you and raising my joy box on my own. Just the two of us.

"I am not telling you to leave  Mianmian. I have no expectations towards you when it comes to Mianmian. Because I don't want to be the low one by reminding you that this child might not have been brought about through love but by a wicked scem that went wrong.

All I want is to know if you are willing to be there for him. Without Mianmian’s interference. You will treat my baby the same way as the child you are going to  have with Mianmian. Or will my baby come for weekends and get mistreated by Mianmian right from your under nose. Because we both know that is exactly what will happen when you are not around. Look at what she planned to do to me. She will have it worse for my child. So I want to know. As for time, you have three days to give me your answer before I leave." Zhan said and stood up to leave.

"Wait," yibo said, and zhan stopped but didn't turn to Yibo.

"Sit. What I have to say is long." Yibo said, guiding to sit at the couch next to him.

" Zhan. My uncle came today to see me and Haikuan and told us that my curse has been broken because of a baby I am expecting made from love. And I didn't understand at first because I don't love Mianmian, because I love you, and you telling me you are pregnant made everything make sense. You broke the curse, not her. Technically, we aren't legally divorced.  I am still your husband as much as you are mine.

Please don't leave. At first, I didn't confess nor apologize because I have done enough damage, but this baby is my last chance to make things right. Please give me this last chance to make everything right.

I am still angry at Mianmian for what she did. Things could have gone horrobly wrong, but I do not regret what happened. I just can't throw her out because she's pregnant with my baby. And that baby is innocent of her vile crimes.

My plan is to let her live here until she gives birth to my baby, and then I kick her out.

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