38. A Twinge Of Jealousy

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Myra's P.O.V.

We settled down on the sofa, and Zayn ordered breakfast for us from the intercom.

"What are you smiling at, Sunshine?" He asked, raising his eyebrows. I couldn't help but drool over him as he looked extremely handsome with his raised eyebrows.

My trance was broken, and I was startled by his sudden peck on my lips. "Stop looking at me like that, Myra, otherwise I won't be able to control myself." He gave a quick peck on my lips again.

I blushed hard, feeling a rush of excitement and butterflies in my stomach.

These moments with him felt straight out of a fairytale. It was magical.

"Blush later, first answer me." He said, holding my chin.

I told him, "I'm quite excited. I can't even tell you how much I'm dying to see the place where you're taking me."

He passed me a smile. "I'm glad."

I asked, "Are you excited?"

"Yup, but not for the place." He responded with a mischievous glint in his eyes.


"You know I'm dying to see them." As he whispered, pointing at my tits, I became red like tomatoes again.

"Zain, stop it." I looked around, getting shy.

God! How could he say something like this so casually?

He shrugged his shoulders. "What? I'm being open with you. Myra, I don't want to hide my desire from you. I truly want to see them."

I hid my face with my hands. "Just stop it."

"Why should I stop?" He withdrew my hands from my face and whispered, leaning closer to me. "I'm just saying what I'm feeling."

A blush crept onto my cheeks because of his proximity. I could see him rolling his tongue inside his mouth, which made me realise he was deliberately teasing me.

Okay, fine. Two can play this game, right?

"You know what's mine is yours." As I replied, mustering up confidence and gazing deeply into his eyes, his eyes widened in surprise.

"So, would you allow me to see them, Myra?" He asked, and all my playing along went out the window as a deep red hue appeared on my cheeks, seeing his eyes moving from my face to my twins. "You'll love my touch more without clothes, trust me."

"Everything feels so new to me, so I feel shy," I murmured, lowering my gaze and playing his blazer button.

He pulled up my chin and fixed his eyes filled with honesty on me. "So, experience this with me. Promise I won't do anything which you don't want."

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