07. Feisty Roshini!

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I got startled to hear the apology from the man who was ready to shoot me a few minutes back

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I got startled to hear the apology from the man who was ready to shoot me a few minutes back.

“Huh? Did you actually apologise?” I asked, my surprise evident in my voice.

Just moments ago, this intense and brooding man had me on edge with his aggressive demeanour, and now he was apologizing. It was unbelievable.

“Yes, I’m sorry, Roshini. I misunderstood you with someone else,” he explained, his voice filled with guilt. I stared into his striking grey eyes, searching for any sign of honesty. It was clear he genuinely regretted his actions.

“Accept my apology, please.” He implored, holding my hand and placing a soft kiss on it. His unexpected tenderness took aback me.

“Just a few minutes back, you were all alpha and now this?” I asked, still staring at him.

Sometimes, I just couldn’t resist speaking my mind.

I found myself drawn to both his strong alpha side and his unexpected gentleness. It was an intriguing combination.

“Alpha? Or more like a pervert!” As he asked, raising his brows, I tried to hide my smile.

Well, I know it was a misunderstanding so I don’t think I should drag it, isn’t it?

“So, how does it feel like to get slapped?” I deliberately said it, just to see how he's gonna behave now.

I knew guys, sometimes they just behave well to have their way with you, so I was just cross-checking that whatever he was saying had some intentions behind it.

But eyes don’t lie? Still, what harm could it cause to push someone’s buttons?

“You’re the first girl who has ever slapped me, and honestly, I deserved it,” he admitted, his gaze softening as he brushed his fingers against my hand, which he still held.

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