15. What The Fuck, Zayn!

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“So, I finally dropped you off on time, even when you got a little naughty

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“So, I finally dropped you off on time, even when you got a little naughty.” She remarked, halting her bike as we arrived in front of my hotel.

“As if you were a saint there,” I replied, getting down from her bike and standing in front of her.

She laughed, getting off the bike as well, and we stood there in front of my hotel.

I grinned, though a twinge of sadness crept in with the reality sinking in.

I thought, ‘So, it’s the end?’

I had just experienced the best thirty minutes of my life. It was incredible.

But now was it time to bid farewell?

I couldn’t help but gaze at her, pondering if this was our final meeting.

“So... when are we gonna meet again?” She asked, and before I could reply, she cut me off. “There’s always a price to pay when I meet you. You know, losses.” She stated with her arms crossed, and I couldn’t ignore the subtle lift of her chest. And to top it off, her tank top revealed my bite mark as it shifted slightly.

“Like what you see?” she teased, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I met her mischievous gaze and replied, “Totally,” with a playful wink. Her laughter filled the air, a melody to my ears.

Curious, I asked, “What losses?” yearning for more conversation, a few extra minutes wouldn’t hurt, right?

“What losses? Seriously?” She exclaimed.

“Huh?” I stood there, confused.

“Dude! You tore my shirt in one meet and broke my waist chain in another,” she winked, her teasing voice making me smile and blush. “However, I can handle the loss because the things you do while tearing and breaking them are quite hot,” she added, eliciting more laughter from both of us.

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