25. Sex felt different

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“Gosh, brace yourself, Kabir

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“Gosh, brace yourself, Kabir. That feisty woman is definitely going to give you a hard time,” I murmured under my breath, exhaling deeply before opening the door.

Myra had been proven innocent, and Zayn was with her—everything had been sorted between them. However, the person who stole the file was still free. Well, Jackson and a few of my men were working on that, and technically, I should have been there with them, but my mind was not under my control. A certain someone was revolving around it. Because of whatever had happened, I was sure she was going to give me a hard time.

Fuck! I had a tigress to control.

She was definitely going to kick the hell out of me as soon as I opened her limbs.

But I’m a Mafia; I can handle her in my own ways.

I boasted to myself. It was much needed.

As I stepped inside the room, my eyes immediately landed on Roshini, freezing me in place. She was wriggling on the bed, trying her best to get out of the hold.

“Roshini, stop wriggling. You’re hurting yourself.” I urged, marching towards her, concerned.

But she continued to wriggle. I felt guilty seeing her like this, and at the same time, it was quite visible that she was angry with me because she was not even looking at me.

“Listen, I’m here to free you, so if you want the same, then stop wriggling.” I tried to reassure her. I wanted her to look at me. She slowly lifted her eyelashes and stared at me. I felt guilty for tying her here. “Please calm down, okay?” I told her.  

I stared at her — her wrists tied to the bedpost, wearing just a bra, her shirt stuffed in her mouth, her skirt lifted above her mid-thigh due to all her wriggling. It made her look hot, but at the same time, it made me feel guilty for doing this to her. But whatever I did, it was for her. I didn’t want her to get involved in the mess, but now I regret my choice. I mean, her in this position was definitely a treat to watch, but not like this.

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