11.Embracing The Unexpected

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As soon as I heard the voice say, “Sir, drinks,” my blood boiled with anger

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As soon as I heard the voice say, “Sir, drinks,” my blood boiled with anger.

It wasn’t her.

My senses were instantly empowered with frustration.

I looked up, shooting daggers at the girl who stood before me, visibly trembling at the sight of my bloodshot red eyes.

“Get the hell out of here!” I shouted, unable to contain my anger any longer.

I stood up from my seat, my emotions getting the best of me.

The girl took a step back, her voice trembling as she asked, “W-what h-happened, sir? I’m sorry if I made some mistake.”

I closed my eyes, trying to regain control over my anger, but nothing seemed to work. Frustration was consuming me, and I couldn’t understand why I couldn’t get a grip on my emotions.

“Get the fuck out!” I roared at her, my frustration boiling over. In a fit of rage, I harshly pulled out my tie and threw it.

Just as I thought the situation couldn’t get any worse, I heard her voice again, asking, “W-what happened?” My heart skipped a beat.

She was here.

I turned around, my eyes meeting hers as she looked at both of us, trying to make sense of the chaos.

I kept staring at her, unable to find the right words to explain myself.

I noticed her glancing at me and the girl, a mixture of concern and curiosity in her eyes. And then, something unexpected happened. She went closer to the trembling girl and embraced her gently.

My eyes softened as I witnessed her kind gesture. She didn’t ask any further questions, but she simply enveloped the girl in her embrace, offering solace.

I couldn’t help but feel a mixture of relief and surprise.

Even I want this. Yes. In that instance, I felt a craving to feel her warm hug.

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