36. Stop Teasing Me

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Myra's P.O.V.

"Every day is more beautiful than before with you. So magical," I murmured, watching the sunrise.

"Indeed." He responded, and I could clearly feel his gaze locked on me. "Just like you, beautiful and magical," he commented, and I closed my eyes, feeling shy.

He let out a soft chuckle before gazing at me with affection in his eyes, causing me blush. "Stop staring at me like this."

"It's not in my hand," he whispered, coming close to my lips.

I felt shy and moved my face down, blushing harder, which caused his lips to touch my neck, making me all hot and bothered. His hot breath on my neck sent sensations throughout my body. I swallowed hard when he brushed his lips on my neck, leaving me breathless.

After exhaling a deep breath, I pulled away from him, avoiding his eyes. My cheeks must have turned red with shyness.

"You're a cutie pie." He pulled my cheeks, making me smile.

We returned our attention to the sunrise, lost in the moment once again.

"Zayn," I called him, finding him already looking at me.

He responded, "Yes, sunshine?"

Everything he called me sunshine, butterflies fluttered in my stomach, and this feeling was amazing.

Sometimes it felt so unreal to have him in my life.

"You know, the sunrise in the mountains is even more breathtaking," I shared with a smile.

He asked me, looking at me with curiosity. "Have you ever witnessed it?"

"I never got a chance, and I've just imagined it. But it's on my bucket list. Maybe one day I'll have the chance to experience its beauty." I rested my head on his shoulder, feeling at peace as I finally found my home.

He was my home.

"What else is on your bucket list?" He asked, caressing my long hair softly with his fingers, making me sleepy again with his touch. My eyes started to close. "Myra!"

"Zayn, I'm feeling sleepy," I murmured in a sleepy tone, wrapping my arms around him, and my eyes still closed, with my head still on his shoulder.

He lifted me in his arms, and I wrapped my arms around his neck as he carried me to the bed.

Once again, we drifted off to sleep in each other's arms.


Zayn's P.O.V.

"How can someone look so beautiful early in the morning?" I murmured as I admired Myra lying beside me, her eyes closed. She wasn't ready to wake up today.

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