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"I know it's Sunday. So we will wrap this up quickly. As you know we don't want to get involved in your personal lives, but now there are rumors spreading about one of you and it could affect the company. so we need to discuss our next moves and what we want to release to the public."

Changbin stared at the table in front of him. He hated the fact that they were all there because of him, even though he didn't do anything wrong. He hated all this unwanted attention on himself.

"It's okay hyung," Han leaned in and whispered to Changbin, trying to reassure him.

Changbin nodded, but refused to look at anyone. He was trying not to drown in his own negative thoughts. There was too much happening at one time and he just wanted to shut down and forget about all of it. He could feel Chan staring at him, but he refused to acknowledge the older. Chan was out of line and he was really hurt. How could he think that I was cheating on him, he thought.

"Changbin, are you seeing that person in the photos?" A board member asked him, pulling him out of his thoughts.

Changbin finally looked up from the table. Glancing around the room; his eyes stopping on Chan. He shook his head. "No," he said, barely a whisper. He cleared his throat. "That picture was taken, while we were at a company dinner. The other person in the photo is Dae, our choreographer. We were just talking. There is nothing going on between us."

Chan gulped, hearing the pain in the younger's voice made his heart clench. Changbin turned away from him, and all he wanted to do was reach out and hold the younger. He squeezed his hands together, willing himself not to do anything irrational.

"Okay then we can release a statement about spreading false rumors and if anymore is spread we will be taking legal action. Is there anything that needs to be discussed?"

Chan glanced back at the younger. He wanted to share that they were together, but he knew Changbin didn't want anyone to know right now. Are we still together? He asked himself, unsure of where they stood.

Changbin shook his head no. He was honestly ready to leave and go home and just curl up on his bed and forget about everything that has happened in the last few hours. I hope I can leave after this, he thought. I should talk to Han before this meeting ends so he can tell Chan. His thoughts wandering to Chan he glanced back over at the older and they made eye contact. He could see the pain in the older's eyes and his heart hurt. His eyes started to water and he looked away trying to blink away the tears.

Changbin leaned over and whispered to Han, "Are you okay if I leave after this?" Han nodded his head, "Can you tell..."

"Yes, I will talk to him. Don't worry," Han said, patting his arm.

Chan watched the whole interaction feeling a spout of jealousy. What are they talking about? He thought. I need to make sure I try and talk to Changbin before the day gets away from us.

"If no one has anything else then the meeting is adjourned."

Changbin quickly got up and left before anyone could stop him. He made it to the elevator and hit the down button praying it arrived before Chan caught up with him. He texted Hyunjin trying to figure out where the younger was. The elevator dinged signaling it had arrived. He stepped in and pressed the button for the garage. He leaned against the back wall of the elevator and waited for the door to close.

Chan ran out to catch Changbin and realized the elevator door was about to close and he slipped in before it did. He turned to look at the younger and Changbin just stared at him.

"Can we please talk?" Chan begged, stepping closer to the younger.

Changbin stepped backwards, trying to create distance between them. He knew if he let Chan hold him, he would lose all his nerve. He could see the pain and hurt in Chan's eyes when he did step back, but the older stopped.

Chan could feel his eyes fill with tears, but he tried to blink them away and dropped his arm. He swallowed the lump in his throat and said, "Umm. I know this morning I didn't handle things well. And I am sorry. Please...." Chan couldn't finish his sentence. He took a deep breath, trying to calm his racing heart. "Please don't leave me."

Changbin, who had been staring at the ground, whipped his head up to look at the older. His voice choked up from hearing Chan. "I...I don't want to leave you, but I think we need some time apart. Just give me a few days, please. I think we both have a lot to think about."

Chan nodded, feeling some comfort in the fact that the younger doesn't want to leave him, but he was still hurting. "I'll do anything. Whatever you need. Just please don't shut me out. I-I can't live without you."

Hearing Chan's words, Changbin's heart broke a little more. He needed space from the older, but at the same time wanted to be near him. What should I do, he thought. His phone rang and he looked down at it seeing it was Dae that was calling him. He glanced back up at Chan, the pain very present in the older's eyes.

"Will you at least come stay with me? I-I'll sleep on the couch. Just...I just need you close."

Changbin shook his head. He knew if he stayed there they wouldn't work through this issue. "I-I don't know Chan."

Chan slowly reached out his hand and touched the younger's hand. "Please."

Changbin looked up at the older, his heart raced from their touch. His wall was slowly falling. The older stepped a bit closer to him and he didn't move away.

Chan's hand trembled as he reached out and gently cupped the younger's cheek. Changbin leaned into his touch. He breath caught on his throat as he stepped slightly closer. Closing the gap between them.

"Can I?" Chan whispered.

Changbin slowly nodded his head and without hesitation Chan's lips were on his. The kiss was intense. So full of emotion. Chan pulled him closer, completely closing the gap between them.

The elevator dinged and Changbin pulled away from the older. "I love you but I need space." He walked out leaving the older to stare after him. 


1109 words

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