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They got to the car and Changbin stared out front in silence. That asshole had to just ruin such a good day! Chan thought to himself. He was still boiling with anger, but he knew he needed to calm himself in order to be there for Changbin.

"Babe..." Chan started.

Changbin turned to look at him, his eyes wide. His hands were shaking and he was taking deep breaths.

"Oh Changbin." Chan said, reaching over to grab the younger's hands and hold them in his.

"I...I know we used to get hate all the time during our Stray Kids days, but that was always online. Behind a screen, n-no one's ever bullied us to our faces before," Changbin whispered, not sure if he was talking to himself or Chan.

"I know, and I hate that, that happened..." Chan started to say.

"Is that going to be everyone's response? Are we going to have to deal with that our whole relationship? What if...what if we can't..." Changbin started panicking.

"Changbin!" Chan exclaimed, trying to calm the younger down.

Changbin whipped his head to look at Chan, startled by his outburst. The older squeezed his hands.

"I know this is scary and very new to you, but I promise we will get through this together. I will always be here for you no matter what. You can always count on me to have your back and to be there for you. We are in this together, you are not alone," Chan exclaimed.

Together...Changbin thought. Yes we are in this together.

Changbin nodded his head slowly, "yes we have each other. We are in this together."

Chan gave him a small smile, and leaned over and kissed the younger on the cheek. Changbin gave him a small smile back, cheeks burning red from his small gesture.

"I can't promise, something like that won't happen again. But I will always stand up for you and protect you," Chan said, moving one of his hands up and cupping Changbin's cheek.

Changbin nodded, leaning his cheek into Chan's hands. He was feeling a bit better now and wanted to move forward with their day.

"Where to next?" Changbin asked, still leaning into Chan's hand, while the older caressed his cheek with his thumb.

"Are you sure you wanna keep going? We can go home and cuddle and watch a movie?" Chan suggested, not wanting to push the younger.

"No. I am okay. Plus you still have my surprise," Changbin said, moving his hand to cup Chan's hand on his cheek.

Chan grinned, "yes, I still owe you, your surprise."

"Well let's go then!" Changbin said, going to turn away.

Chan pulled the younger back and leaned in and gently kissed the younger. Changbin melted into the kiss right away. They kissed for a few more seconds before the older pulled away.

Chan grinned, seeing Changbin's red cheeks, "let's go."

The younger bit his lip, wanting more kisses from the older, but nodded his head. He turned to buckle his seatbelt and off they went. Changbin closed his eyes while they drove. The car ride was silent other than the music that was quietly playing in the background. Changbin was replaying the scenario from early in his head over and over again. His eyebrows furrowed and Chan glanced over noticing something was off.

Chan moved his hand to the younger's thighs and rested it there. Changbin was pulled from his thoughts, his eyes opened, watching Chan's hand on his thigh. Changbin's heart started beating faster, feeling the weight and heat of Chan's hands on him. Changbin bit his lip, as Chan ever so slightly moved his fingers tapping them on Changbin's inner thighs. Changbin was getting turned on, each tapping sending a slight shiver up his body.

Chan glanced over at the younger, whose face was flushed. He could tell the younger was turned on and smirked. He lightly ran his finger over Changbin's thigh, drawing little circles or figure eights. Changbin gasped, and shifted, squeezing his thighs together, feeling his cock harden.

"What's wrong baby?" Chan teased, watching the younger out of the corner of his eyes.

Changbin didn't say anything. He was biting his lip and concentrating on not moaning. Chan all of a sudden squeezed his thigh, making the younger moan. Changbin moved his hand to cover his mouth, embarrassed, while the other was gripping onto the door handle. Chan was getting turned on himself. He was incredibly hard now listening to the youngers little moans and whimpers. Chan started gently kneading the younger's thighs, making him squirm even more.

Chan parked the car, "We are here!"

Changbin's head snapped up, looking outside the window at their surroundings. They had made it to the beach. Changbin turned towards Chan, who was staring at him, his eyes full of lust. Changbin gulped, goosebumps covering his arm. Chan looked ready to devour him and Changbin would let him do it.

"Are you ready?" Chan asked.

Changbin wasn't sure what the older was referring to but he nodded. "Yes," he said, barely coming out more than a whisper.

Chan smirked, he reached over and grabbed the younger by the back of his head, pulling him in for a kiss. Chan was more aggressive and his kiss, feeling needy for the younger. Changbin tried his best to keep up, but was just getting lost in the feeling of the older's lips. Chan pulled away, leaving Changbin breathless.

"Let's go," Chan said, kissing the younger one more time before unbuckling and getting out of the car.

Changbin stared after him, not sure if he was disappointed or happy the older didn't devour him right there. Changbin shifted his dick inside his pants, and got out. Hoping no one would notice how hard he was.

"Okay, when we get closer you have to close your eyes, okay?" Chan asked, grabbing the younger's hand and leading him down the path.

"What if I trip and fall?" Changbin asked.

Chan smiled, turning back towards the younger, "I got you, always."

Changbin smiled back at the older, squeezing his hand and letting him lead the way.

Awwww Chan is too kind. I still remember his "I will protect" everyone speech he did after one of the Korea concerts during their first maniac tour. He has such a big heart.

Also how could he tease our boy Changbin like that?! Poor thing was not ready for it.

1027 words

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