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Changbin and Chan finished eating and were now cuddled up together on the older's couch finishing their movie. Changbin was laying in between Chan's legs. He was slightly on his side and his head was resting on the older's stomach. He could feel the Chan playing with his curls. The feeling was very soothing to him, it was honestly putting the younger to sleep.

Chan wasn't paying any attention to the movie. The whole time he was watching Changbin. Study every expression, every emotion playing across the younger's face. He was falling deeply for Changbin. I mean how could he not. Changbin was everything to him, and he was so ecstatic to finally be able to call the younger his. He noticed the younger was drifting off to sleep.

"Hey Binnie,"

"Hmm yeah?"

"Let's head to bed. The movie's almost over anyways, and it's not like we haven't seen it before."

"Umm I should probably actually head home." Changbin said, sitting up.

"Home? But it's already pretty late. You can just stay the night and we can go into the office together tomorrow."

Changbin hesitated, he started anxiously biting his lip. But if I stay, what if I disappoint him again? Or worse, he doesn't even want to do anything because I finish so fast?

Chan could sense the younger's hesitation. Did I push him too far earlier and now he's uncomfortable? He was slightly hurt the younger didn't want to stay, but also feeling a bit anxious that he went overboard.

"You..." Chan started

"I...." Changbin said at the same time.

"Sorry go ahead," Chan said

Changbin shook his head, not making eye contact with the older. "No, you go ahead. What were you going to say?"

"I...I was just going to say if you really wanted to go home I can drive you home at least. I don't want you walking home so late."

Changbin eyes slightly widen, not expecting the older to agree. So he is disgusted with me. He turned fully away from the older, not wanting him to see how upset he was. He just silently nodded, moving to get up from the couch.

"Wa-wait," Chan said, reaching out to grab the younger's arm and pulling him back down.

Changbin didn't try to fight it. He sat down in front of the older again, but did his best to not look at him.

"Did I upset you somehow?"

Changbin shook his head, still remaining silent. Not trusting his voice to say anything.

"Binnie..." Chan said, reaching out and gently lifting the younger's chin so he would look at him. "What's wrong?"

Changbin glanced up at Chan and immediately looked back down at the couch. Not being able to hold the older's gaze. Chan dropped his hand not wanting to make the younger more nervous.

"Earlier...." Changbin mumbled.

"What about earlier?"

"You....you didn't finish."

"What didn't I finish?"

Changbin flushed, nervously biting his lip again. He wasn't sure he could answer that question. He glanced back up at Chan, who was waiting for him to answer.

Chan's eyes widened, finally realizing what the younger meant. Is he anxious about me not cumming? But I don't even care about that? I didn't realize his inexperience was making him so insecure.

"Baby, look at me."

Changbin shyily lifted his gaze to meet the older's. Chan reached out and pulled his bottom lip from between his teeth, gently grazing it with his thumb.

"Listen to me. I know you are worried because I didn't cum before you passed out but I one hundred percent do not care about that. I just want to give you all the pleasure. If I get to cum great, but if I don't that's totally fine too. Your needs, wants, and pleasure matter more to me. Please don't worry or feel anxious about that and if you do then tell me and I will keep reminding you that you mean the world to me and I do not care about any of that."

Chan could see the younger's eyes filling with tears. He pulled him into a hug, wrapping his arm around him. He held the younger until he calmed down, rubbing his back and patting his head.

Changbin tried to swallow the knot forming in his throat, not expecting to have such a reaction to the older's words. Chan just knew him so well, and could so easily calm the younger's anxiety. He felt so lucky to have someone like Chan that cared about him so much. He buried his face deeper into the older's neck, inhaling his scent, which also helped to calm the younger down.

They sat like that for a while, neither moving nor talking. Chan quietly started humming a song. He continued to rub Changbin's back until the younger felt ready to talk.

Changbin cleared his throat, hoping that his voice didn't sound shaky. "I don't actually want to leave."

Changbin smiled against the younger's head. "You are welcome to stay the night, baby. I would love it if you stayed."

Changbin nodded, still keeping his face buried in the older's neck. Both were too comfortable to move. 

My heart 🥺🥺

862 words

Finally Yours: Side Story | 2Chan/ ChanChang/BinChan/ BinBangDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora