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Changbin offered to drive on the way back and Chan agreed, hoping to take a quick nap. He was quietly jamming out to some songs on the radio when he felt a hand on his thigh. He glanced over at Chan seeing the older still had his eyes closed. He then glanced down at the hand on his thigh and back at the road. He didn't even realize it but he was holding his breath and breathed out, waiting to see what Chan would do.

Chan pretended to be asleep a little longer, not moving his hand. He could feel how tense Changbin was underneath his hand. He wanted to tease the younger. He opened his eyes and turned his head to face the younger and gave a gentle squeeze.

Changbin gasped, glancing over at Chan and seeing that the older was staring at him. His face flushed and his palms started sweating. He was already getting aroused and Chan barely did anything.

The older smirked, gently gliding his hands along Changbin's thigh. He watched the younger bit his lip, trying to concentrate on the road. His fingertips started grazing up Changbin's thigh, making the younger take a sharp intake.

"Something wrong baby?" Chan asked in a teasing tone.

Changbin was now gripping the steering wheel so hard his knuckles were turning white. He glanced down again at Chan's hand watching it glide over his thigh. He gulped, shifting slightly in his seat. He was now painfully hard and wanted to make sure the older wouldn't find out.

"N-nothing is wrong," Changbin stuttered, taking a deep breath.

"Hmmm," Chan said, observing the younger's movements.

Chan started squeezing the younger's thighs and Changbin gasped. He smirked, watching Changbin biting his lip even more. He slid his hand down into Changbin's inner thigh and felt Changbin tense underneath his hand. He wanted to rile up the younger even more. He leaned over so he could whisper into the younger's ear.

"You are turning me on so much right now baby."

Changbin got goosebumps all over his body. A shiver went up his spine and he squirmed, pressing his thighs together trapping Chan's hand in between them. A small moan slipped out from between his lips and he immediately turned red and he felt hot.

Chan felt himself get turned on even more hearing Changbin's little moan. His lustful watched Changbin's reaction. He glanced at the GPS and saw they only had fifteen minutes left of their ride before arriving at his place. He was ready to devour the younger and decided to keep teasing him.

Chan leaned back over the middle console and kissed Changbin on his cheek next to the younger's ear. Since his hand was trapped in between the younger's thighs, he gripped at the one. Which made Changbin squirm even more in his seat.

"Ch-Channie, w-what are you doing?"

"What do you mean baby?" Chan acted innocent.

"Ahhh," Changbin moaned out.

Chan had started kissing up the other younger's ear and nibbled on the top of it. Pleasure was coursing through Changbin and he was honestly ready to cum.

"Ch-channie, please," Changbin begged.

Changbin was so hard and wanted to cum. His hands hurt from how hard he was gripping the steering wheel. He isn't even sure how he made it, but he pulled into Chan's driveway and was ready to get inside. He turned the car off and turned to face Chan pulling the older into a hot makeout session. He was moaning into Chan's mouth, feeling the older slipping his tongue in and was still gripping at his thigh.

Chan moved his free hand to the back of Changbin's head, gripping the younger's hair. He removed his lips from the younger, causing Changbin to whimper from the loss of contact, and move down his neck. He kissed down the younger's neck leaving wet kisses. Changbin shivered, getting goosebumps on his arms.

"Let's move this inside," Chan said softly, moving away from Changbin.


whooo spicyyyyyyy

660 words

Finally Yours: Side Story | 2Chan/ ChanChang/BinChan/ BinBangحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن