Kimberly Bergstrom

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General Info:

Full Name: Kimberly Bergstrom

Age: 14

Race/Ethnicity: Unknown

Possesses: N/A

First Appearance: Fetch

Latest Appearance: Fetch

Role: Greg's Crush

Status: Deceased

Killer: Fetch


"I think we should write about how regs influence world disasters." 


-Kimberly is not in the games. 

Difference from Games:

-Kimberly is only in the books.

Short Bio:

Kimberly is a girl in Greg's class. She is a main focus in the story she appears in. Her and Greg have a couple things in common. Weirdly, in the graphic novel, Kimberly's skin tone switches colors when she first appears and in the rest of the stories. 

Fazbear Frights #1:

Kimberly isn't in this book.

Fazbear Frights #2:

Kimberly is a girl in Greg's class, he has a crush on her. One day, they get partnered up together for a project, and Greg realizes he and her actually have things in common. Greg and Kimberly become very close after this. One day, Greg wishes he can be with her, but then realizes Fetch may go after her now, so he tries to warn her, but her father thinks he's crazy. But later, his worries became reality, Kimberly gets killed by Fetch and is left dead under a sheet laying in Greg's room. 

Fazbear Frights #3:

Kimberly is not in this book.

Fazbear Frights #4:

Kimberly is not in this book.

Fazbear Frights #5:

Kimberly is not in this book.

Fazbear Frights #6:

Kimberly is not in this book.

Fazbear Frights #7:

Kimberly is not in this book.

Fazbear Frights #8:

Fazbear Frights #9:

Fazbear Frights #10:

Fazbear Frights #11:

Fazbear Frights #12: 

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