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General Info:

Full Name: Oswald

Age: 11

Race/Ethnicity: White

Possesses: N/A

First Appearance: Into the Pit

Latest Appearance: Into the Pit

Role: Lead Character

Status: Alive

Killer: N/A


"I'm tired of everyday being exactly the same." 


-Oswald is now canon in the games and uses the design used in the illustration of the book. 

Difference from Games:

-Empty for now


-Oswald is not in the novels.

Difference from Novels:

-Oswald is only in the books.

Short Bio:

Oswald is the main protagonist of Into the Pit. He is an 11 year old boy with slick back brown hair. Oswald is an average kid. He likes video games and having fun with friends. He is also somewhat brave since he fights SpringBonnie and goes into ball pits that take him to a new location. In the graphic novel, he has a whole different design. His hair is flat and he doesn't have a jacket anymore and he has black hair. 

Fazbear Frights #1:

In into the pit, Oswald is on summer vacation. The plan for Oswald was to go to the library and play video games on the computers, go to Jeff's Pizza and eat, and then wait for his dad to pick him up and take him home, since both of his parents work. He was fine with it at first and thought it could be fun. But then everything started to feel repetitive and he wished he was with his friends, who are on vacation. One day, desperate for something new, Oswald finds a closed off ball pit at Jeff's Pizza, he jumps in it and ends up in a new place. Jeff's Pizza was now Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, and the place was filled with people, he even met some new friends there. Everything was fun, then he went home. When he came back however, no time had passed, it was like he never left, he then goes home and is excited to go back the next day. He keeps going into the ball pit and continues playing, but one day when he goes in, everything is different. Everyone is running around panicking. He sees SpringBonnie, who he decides to follow, and he sees 6 of his victims. He runs back to the ball pit and escapes, but SpringBonnie follows him home and takes his dad. He tries to ask his mom for help but she tells him that his dad is fine, and so he goes to sleep. But the next morning, he wakes up, and instead of his dad sitting at the dinner table, it's SpringBonnie. No one else but himself knows the truth about SpringBonnie, everyone else just sees Oswald's Dad. Oswald goes back to Jeff's Pizza and finds his real dad, and SpringBonnie tries to kill him, but he manages to actually fight him and then hang him. He and his dad then leave the pizzeria. 

Fazbear Frights #2:

Oswald is not in this book.

Fazbear Frights #3:

Oswald is not in this book.

Fazbear Frights #4:

Oswald is not in this book.

Fazbear Frights #5:

Oswald is not in this book.

Fazbear Frights #6:

Oswald is not in this book.

Fazbear Frights #7:

Oswald is not in this book.

Fazbear Frights #8:

Oswald is not in this book. 

Fazbear Frights #9:

Oswald is not in this book. 

Fazbear Frights #10:

Oswald is not in this book. 

Fazbear Frights #11:

Oswald is not in this book. 

Fazbear Frights #12: 

Oswald is not in this book. 

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