20) Tanya

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Thank you all so much for all the votes! You are also amazing for following the story so far. I am no way close to done I just wanted to bring to view that every vote, comment, and read means a lot to me!


Isabella Marie Swans's POV

I walked into the throne room to see only one throne.The throne was not like the others. This one had satin pink cloth, the rest of it was solid gold. What was wrong with the other thrones and why is there only one? This is confusing. I guess a lot can happen in a year.

I searched the entire castle but found nothing. I searched the entire castle and could only find my friends and family attacking me like my own father did. I simply kept enlarging my shield to keep them away. I was determined to find that strange female that goes by the name Tanya.

It was like she disappeared. I searched the castle seven more times but nothing! I gave up looking for Tanya and found my self in my hiding spot. No one has found it over the years. All the dust gave it away. I found this place playing hide and seek, it was so fun! No one could ever find me and I would climb around in the air shafts to mask my sent.

I sat on the window ledge and looked around. The walls outside were no longer old, the old ones I loved. These walls were knew, they were Tanya. Tanya must have changed the entire building to fit her needs. I really don't know what to think of her anymore! Anything that has to do with Tanya is oh so confusing.

I stood up and paced I knew it wouldn't help but I had to try and do something. I gave up on pacing and sat down on the ledge again. I heard a creek, I shifted and another creek.I lifted up the window ledge and there were all my books laid out binding looking up at me. I found the one I knew would get my mind off of this horrible situation and would find myself mourning for the characters in the book. I found myself sitting on the ledge reading Romeo and Juliet.

Suddenly hit hit my like a ton of bricks when I read when the killing spree between Juliet and Romeo happened. Nothing could stop there feelings for each other. I tried to break my mating bond with Edward but it will always still be there. The pain, the pain from breaking the bond why was it there then?

Because It was close but mine and Edwards bond was too strong! I love Edward, I sang in my head and I kept singing it and following my heart. My heart took me back to the throne room. I screamed bloody murder . . . . 


Okay this has to be my FAVORITE cliffhanger! I can't believe that I even wrote it . . . lets see how long until I update next time! *evil laugh* Yes for once I wrote an okay cliffhanger! Sorry about the shortness! If you have any ideas about how to elongate it please tell me, I am at a loss and really don't want to get rid of the awesome cliffhanger!

From your recently hated Twilight_lover_48

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