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The Cruise Ship; Top Deck

After changing into our gym clothes, all of us came back to the top deck of the ship, standing alongside our classmates of our respective classes. Beside me, there was Furukawa. Off to the side, there was the trio-Tsukamoto, Azuma, and Kawasaki-alongside Kasai, Kurino, Karuizawa, and the rest of my classmates. Class D was next to the other three classes-Class A, Class B, and Class C. And in front of us stood all four homeroom teachers. Like us, Matsubara-sensei and the other teachers also wore red tracksuits and white jerseys.

The ship had gone a complete circle around the island when we went to change and now, we were docking. All of us were assembled here at the moment, being thoroughly checked before we disembark to go to the island.

"Man, I can't believe they're taking all of our personal stuff! I mean, why do we have to give away our phones?" said Kawasaki.

"We're going to an island, so I guess they're taking it because there's really no use for it." said Tsukamoto.

"I-I suppose you're right about that, but what about the other things? Surely, we should've been able to take them with us. This is supposed to be a vacation, isn't it?"

Unfortunately for us, no, this was not a vacation. It is the start of our first special exam.

The Uninhabited Island; the Beach

Starting from Class A down to Class D, all of us students began getting off the ship by going down the ramp. Once we stepped foot on the island, we were separated again by our respective classes with our homeroom teachers standing in front of us.

"I will now be taking your attendance, so please form a line. When you hear your name, respond loud and clear," said Matsubara-sensei.

We did as we were told and one by one, my classmates and I were called and Matsubara-sensei started checking our names with the tablet in her hands. As she was taking our attendance, behind her, I happened to notice a tent being set up by a few adults. Computers and other equipment were also being set up. This was likely where the teachers would be as they monitor us on the island.

Once she was finished, she went and stood alongside the other teachers. One teacher, Murata-sensei from Class A, stepped forward and took a quick glance at all of us.

The last time I saw him was when I was meeting with Matsubara-sensei. When I was waiting outside of the faculty office, I noticed him along with Matsubara-sensei and the other two homeroom teachers talking amongst each other.

He had short red-wine hair and hazel eyes, and his expression was serious and professional. Besides being Class A's homeroom teacher, he was normally a History teacher. In his jersey, he seemed quite fit, which told me he often exercised to maintain his form.

"Attention, students!" Using a megaphone, Murata-sensei spoke and made everyone turn towards him. "First, I would like to say that I'm glad to see all of you are here safe. That said, we will now be starting the first special exam of this year."

"What?!" almost everyone in my class shouted out of surprise.

"S-Special exam...?"

"So this is going to be a test...?" said a few students from the other classes

"This exam, which is based on corporate training, will start today and will last for one week until August 12th. This exam will be used to determine if your class will be able to survive on this uninhabited island as a group. During this time, none of you will be allowed to board back on the ship unless you have a justifiable reason. It will be up to you to figure out how to survive and how to live here on the island, such as finding shelter, food, and water. Before you start, your classes will each be given two tents, two flashlights, and one box of matches. You will also be provided with an unlimited amount of sunscreen. Each student will receive one toothbrush. And the girls will be allowed to have as many feminine sanitary products as they wish. For more information, please talk to your respective homeroom teachers."

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