V.1-Ch.4.1: Life In The School

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Advanced Nurturing High School; My Room

It was now Saturday, the day after I took the swimming class I loathed so much. It was around eight in the morning when I woke up. I got up from my bed and entered my bathroom, turning the lights on and looking at myself in the mirror. My long black hair was messy, and I could barely see my brown eyes in my reflection just from how tired I was.

Following my morning routine as usual, I brushed my teeth, washed my face, and combed my hair. After that, I left the bathroom and opened my wardrobe, grabbing my uniform and switching them with my pajamas. I grabbed my hairpin with the purple Iris flower from my table and using my small personal mirror, I pinned it in my hair.

Once I was done dressing myself, I went over to my desk and grabbed two library books I had. I was going to go to the library to return them, and while I'm there, I plan to find some other books I wanted to borrow.

Advanced Nurturing High School; the Library

I arrived and walked around the library. Besides me, there were a few other students who were here, hanging around, reading books or just talking to each other. Like me, they also had their uniforms on, seeing that we were on school grounds and all.

I went towards the reference desk and saw a female librarian sitting there, looking down and reading a book. The last time I was here, I came to return Furukawa's book so I could borrow it. The librarian that I saw at that time was a different one from the one I was seeing now.

This librarian had long silver hair and violet eyes. She had glasses with black rims, and wore a white long-sleeved buttoned suit with a black shirt underneath, along with long black leggings and a black skirt.

"Excuse me," I called out to the librarian. "I would like to return these books."

The librarian looked up from her book and smiled. "Of course." She gladly took them and I left to go look around the rest of the library.

I went towards the Mystery section and looked at the shelves of books. I gazed through them, glancing at their titles and their authors, all organized alphabetically. I found the books written by Arthur Conan Doyle and grabbed the next Sherlock Holmes book in the series. Instead of one book, I decided to grab another, one called "The Woman in White", written by Wilkie Collins.

I returned to the librarian and handed her the books. "I would like to check these out."

"Doyle and Collins. Alright then." She scanned the books and I gave her my Student ID card, which she scanned as well. "You're..." She paused for a moment, staring at the computer screen where my name and picture was shown.

"Is something wrong?" I asked.

"N-No, it's fine." She grabbed the two books and handed them to me. "Here you go. Enjoy reading!" I took them and bowed, leaving the library.

Advanced Nurturing High School

As I was headed on my way back to my room, I happened to notice the Student Council President Mukai and a male student alongside her.

"Oh! Hey there!" Mukai waved my way and came to me. "If I remember right...you're a first-year, right?"

I nodded. "Yes, I am."

She pulled out her phone and started fiddling with it. "Let's see...Horikita Misaki, from Class 1-D?" She looked up and placed her finger to her lips, thinking to herself. "Hmm...that name...where have I heard it before?"

Classroom of the Elite: LegacyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ