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Advanced Nurturing High School; Hallways

Following behind everyone else, I stepped outside of the Student Council Room. Usui-sensei, along with the three Class C students, all left and went their separate ways. As for Tsukamoto, he left with a smile on his face, happy that it was all over. And for Ogawa, she was confused, but seeing it all ended well, she couldn't help but smile as well as she left.

"For them to withdraw their own complaint...it's quite shocking," said Matsubara-sensei. "I don't suppose you were involved in that in any way, were you?"

"I can't say," I replied.

Matsubara-sensei chuckled and smiled at me. "Whether you did or not, you did quite well. You definitely live up to the name of your family."

"Was that supposed to be a compliment?" I asked.

Matsubara-sensei said nothing and grinned at me. Just then, I noticed Furukawa arriving and coming towards us. With a chuckle, Matsubara-sensei walked in his direction to leave. The two of them passed each other, both of them giving a quick glance, then Matsubara-sensei walked away as Furukawa came towards me.

"Thank you for doing what I asked, Furukawa-kun. You did well," I said.

"You shouldn't be thanking me," he said. "The ones you should be thanking are Hasegawa and Seong. They were the ones who paid for the security cameras."

"I see. I suppose we owe them a lot more than just thanks then." I had intended for Furukawa to buy the cameras using his Points, which I would pay him back later. But if Hasegawa had paid for it, it seems like I owed him.

"Hasegawa wants to form an alliance."

"An alliance?" I repeated.

He nodded. "That's what he asked for instead of us paying back the Private Points."

"I see..." I placed my hand to my chin and thought about it. An alliance with Class B? I suppose that would be to our advantage, seeing that there will likely be upcoming special exams. And if that's all we need to do to pay off the Private Points we borrowed, it's best to take it.

"Oh, Horikita-san, Furukawa-kun!" We turned and looked to see Mukai with Mihara by her side, both of whom just stepped out of the Student Council Room.

"Mukai-senpai. Mihara-senpai."

"I'm impressed. You two handled it quite well," said Mukai. "I never thought that you'd be able to get Class C to withdraw their own complaint."

"I don't understand what you're talking about, Mukai-senpai."

Mukai giggled. "He he! Well, if that's what you want to say about it, I have no problems with it. Honestly though, I really am impressed."

"It wasn't just Horikita-san alone." Mihara went up to Furukawa. "You had a hand in all of this as well, didn't you, Furukawa-san?" Furukawa said nothing and stared at him. And looking into his eyes, Mihara did nothing but smile.

"Seems like those two could get along well, don't you think?" Mukai asked me.

"I can't say." I knew nothing of friendship nor the bond between seniors and their juniors. Maybe one day I will.

"So, Horikita-san, what's your reason for coming to this school?" she asked me.

"My reason?" I repeated. "Why do you want to know?"

"I've watched you for a while now, Horikita-san. Since the first day of school, I've noticed how hard you've been working and how hard you've been fighting. Both for yourself and for your class. And as I watched, I began to grow curious about you. What is it that motivates you?"

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