V.2-Ch.3.1: Issuing An Investigation

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Advanced Nurturing High School; Class 1-D

The next day, I arrived and entered the classroom, sitting down at my desk as usual. Like everyone else, I patiently waited in my seat and as time passed, the bell eventually rang. Matsubara-sensei stepped into the classroom and everyone turned their attention towards her.

"Good morning, everyone," she greeted us.

"Sensei!" Kawasaki raised his hand. "We still haven't got our Points yet! When are we going to get them?!"

"Yeah! How long are we going to have to wait?" Everybody else began to talk out loud, complaining about the deposit of our Private Points again.

"I assure you, everything will return back to normal and you will get your Points as soon as possible. It's not going to change overnight, so for now, please be patient." After hearing her words, everyone quieted down, but they still had frowns on their faces. "Now then, I have an important announcement I must give to the entire class."

"S-Something important?" repeated Azuma.

"I-It's not a test or anything, is it?!" asked Kawasaki.

"No, it's not. I would like to tell you all that two days ago, there was an incident involving our class and Class C. To be more accurate, there was a fight between students. And it involved your classmate, Tsukamoto Tamotsu."

The entire class erupted and all turned their attention towards him. Furukawa and I, who had already been told of this by Tsukamoto, didn't faze in the slightest. As for Matsubara-sensei, instead of the smug look she usually has, there was a more professional and serious look on her face. This was a problem for Class D, which also means it was a problem for her as the teacher. She didn't seem quite happy about it.

"Tsukamoto, what the hell?!" said Kawasaki.

Tsukamoto jumped out of his seat. "I did it out of self-defense! Self-defense! That's all!" he shouted.

"I bet that's the reason why we aren't getting any Points! It's your fault!" said Yoshinaga.

"Yeah!" A part of the class-mostly girls-began following Yoshinaga, blaming Tsukamoto for the mess they were in.

"Huh?! My fault?! Like hell it is!"

*clap* With a loud clap echoing through the room, the entire class went silent and turned their attention towards our teacher. "I understand you're all frustrated, but please remember that we're still in class. If you wish to vent your anger to Tsukamoto or anyone else, do it later."

"W-We apologize, Matsubara-sensei..." Tsukamoto and everybody else calmed down, sitting down back in their seats.

Kasai raised his hand and Matsubara-sensei nodded to him. "Sensei, if I may ask, why hasn't the incident been resolved yet?"

"That's because the two sides-our class and Class C-both have different stories. One claims it's the other's fault, and the other says it's the opposite. Therefore, until we have further evidence for which side is telling the truth, this issue will not yet be resolved."

"So...it's all pretty much like an investigation then, right?" asked Kurino.

Matsubara-sensei nodded. "In simple terms, yes. Besides me, the other classes have been informed of this issue. At this moment, we are asking anyone if they saw the fight and if they are willing to step up as a witness. So?"

Everybody began looking around the room, seeing if anyone was going to stand up. However, no one did. It seems like there was no one from our class who saw the fight besides Tsukamoto himself.

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