V.1-Ch.2.1: The Advanced Nurturing High School

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It was April. I stood outside in the streets, patiently waiting alongside others for the bus to come pick us up. Today would be my first day of school, and the first day of my journey. I wasn't excited nor nervous. In fact, I don't know what I felt.

All I had were my goals, and they were all that mattered to me. I didn't really consider any of my feelings into the equation, and to be honest, I never really cared. If I felt happy, angry, or even fearful, it would just be an obstacle in my way. Maybe that's why I mostly felt empty my entire life.

Of course, that wouldn't be the only reason. I believed that by not having a father, I was like this. An empty vessel that uses nothing but logic. My mother taught me many things, showed me multiple perspectives, but even with her efforts, I was only half of what I was supposed to be.

This school was my chance to complete myself. Both of my parents had once attended this school in the past, and it was the only place I could think of where I could find the pieces and put them together. This, I'm sure of it.

Finally, after waiting for a while, I heard the sound of a large vehicle coming by and saw that it was the bus. It slowed down, coming to a stop and opening the doors to allow us passengers on.

I stepped inside, looking around the entire bus. It wasn't quite full yet. There were still plenty of empty seats, and if I wanted a smooth ride on the way, I had to take one now.

I walked forward, ending up in the middle of the bus. I took a seat off to the side and placed my bag beneath my legs. Once the other passengers sat down as well, the bus closed the doors and immediately drove off.

I took out my phone, and looked at the digital map on my screen. Using it, I found out that it would take a while before we would reach the school, which was my destination. I put my phone back into my pocket, then took out a book of mine from my bag that I carried before I left. Seeing that I had time, reading a book while I waited would be fine.

After silently flipping a few pages, reading the book in my hand, the bus came to a stop. The doors opened, allowing more passengers to ride on. The doors of the bus closed and it continued forward, heading towards the next destination. After a little while, it stopped again, allowing more passengers to ride with us. The bus, which was barely filled when I got on, was now mostly full and crowded.

I never looked away from my book, but from the corner of my eye, I could see a few people wearing the exact same uniform I was wearing. Like me, they were high school students who were going to the same school.

It wasn't only just high schoolers however. There were a few adults, some of them dressed in suits while others wore casual clothes. There were also a few elderly people, who were quiet and sat by themselves.

I flipped another page in my book, then I decided to take a quick break by glancing outside the window. I saw the city, changing bit by bit as we drove. The scenery was beautiful, and it was warm and bright outside, almost making you want to go out and take it all in.

However, this sight-seeing would end when the bus stopped for another time. I looked away from the window and back to my book, resuming my reading. More passengers came on, and I happened to notice one of them coming down to sit on my right.

I glanced over to see that it was a high school student who sat next to me. I would've mind if it was anyone else. In fact, I would've been alright if I had continued to be alone for the rest of the ride. However, seeing that they already took the seat, and since we were getting close to the school, I decided to ignore them.

Classroom of the Elite: LegacyWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt