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Advanced Nurturing High School; Furukawa's Room

I arrived at the door of Furukawa's room and pressed the doorbell. As it rang and as I waited outside, I let out a sigh of frustration. Just before I came here, I had received a call from Furukawa who told me about Tsukamoto getting into a fight and needing my assistance. Seeing that this was a problem for the entire class, I left immediately and now, here I am.

The door opened. "Come in." I stepped inside the room and took off my shoes at the foyer, then I walked forward and saw Tsukamoto sitting down at a small table with cups and a tea kettle.

"O-Oh, h-hey Horikita."

Instead of greeting him back, I stayed silent and looked away. I sat down on the bed just away from the table and I sighed.

"H-Hey, Furukawa, is she mad...?" Tsukamoto whispered to Furukawa, and he did nothing but stare back at him.

"...Tsukamoto-kun. I can't believe you did something so stupid."

"S-Sorry. But I swear, I did it only out of self-defense!" Tsukamoto said, both apologizing and explaining himself to me.

"It doesn't matter whether or not it was for self-defense. It was still an irrational and foolish decision. Honestly, I thought you of all people would've acted more professionally."

"A-Alright, I get it! I made a mistake! It's my fault!" he shouted. "But look, I'm trying not to get suspended. So can you help me get out of it or not?" he asked.

"First," I said. "Tell me everything about the fight. Such as how it started, where it took place, and what happened afterwards."

"O-Oh, right..."

After Tsukamoto explained to me about the fight, telling me his side of the story, I had a better understanding of the situation now.

"I see..."


"Before I say anything, there are a few questions I'd like to ask you," I said. "When Class C filed the complaint, telling the teachers and school that you had beaten them up, you immediately told them that it wasn't your fault. In other words, you admitted that there was a fight. Correct?"


"Why didn't you deny Class C's complaint at first?" I asked.

"W-Well, I..." Tsukamoto was about to say something, but he paused and started to think to himself. "I...didn't think of that."

I sighed and placed my hand to my head, shaking it. "I can't believe you're this stupid. That's the first thing you should've done..."

Tsukamoto's face turned red from embarrassment. "L-Look, I didn't consider that at the time, alright?! I mean, how was I supposed to think of that at the spot?!"

Furukawa sighed as well. "This seems like it's going to take long. I'm going to make something while you two talk." Furukawa left and went to the kitchen.

"Now that you're involved, we have to find a way to prove your innocence. Tsukamoto-kun, were there any cameras in the area where you fought?" I asked.

"Cameras? Hmm..." Tsukamoto started thinking about it, trying to remember. Then, he shook his head. "No, I don't think so. I didn't really focus much on the building, but I'm sure I didn't see any."

During my mother's time, the special building didn't have any cameras. However, from what I know, the special building now has a few cameras installed, as well as an air conditioning system. Hearing that Tsukamoto didn't see any cameras, it meant that he and the Class C students fought in the one blind spot in the special building. How unfortunate.

Classroom of the Elite: LegacyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ