V.2-Ch.5.1: Tsukamoto V. Class C

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Advanced Nurturing High School; Hallways

Today was the day of the deliberation meeting. Class D, along with Tsukamoto, will be facing against Class C and three of their students-Nishida, Hoga, and Sugiyama. Furukawa and I head towards the Student Council Room-the location where the meeting will take place. To try to prove Tsukamoto's innocence, the two of us came to represent him at this meeting.

"I hope this issue will be resolved quickly..." I muttered to myself as we walked.

"It all comes down to Ogawa. She's the only witness we have, and she has the pictures we need to help Tsukamoto. Hopefully, the camera and memory card containing the photos are in good condition."

"Why do you say that?" I asked, wondering what he was talking about.

"Two days ago, Ogawa broke her camera by accidentally dropping it on the ground. The day after that, I went along with her to the electronics store to have it repaired. According to the clerk, it wasn't badly damaged, but it was going to take some time to have it fixed."

"And? Was it repaired?"

"Who knows? The clerk told us that today, the camera should be ready to be picked up. I haven't been in contact with Ogawa since yesterday, but I assume she already has it."

"I see..."

We arrived at the doors of the Student Council Room and we looked to see Tsukamoto, Matsubara-sensei, and of course Ogawa standing alongside each other.

"Finally! You guys are here!" said Tsukamoto.

Ignoring him, I turned to look at Ogawa. "I heard about your camera, Ogawa-san. Is it fixed?"

She nodded, then from her bag, she took out and showed me her camera. "T-Thankfully, they were able to fix it in time before the meeting. O-Oh, and the memory card is fine too. It has a few scratches, but it should be good."

I let out a sigh of relief. "That's good. I must thank you, Ogawa-san. For coming here to do this."

"I-It's no problem! Anything to help our class! B-But...um...do...I have to speak the entire time...?" she asked in her usual shy tone.

I shook my head. "No. When we call you into the room, you'll be able to talk. But until then, all you have to do is wait outside."

"O-Oh, I see..."

"Everyone, if you're ready, I suggest we enter the room. It's time." We nodded, then Matsubara-sensei opened the doors for us to walk inside.

"G-Good luck, Horikita-san! Tsukamoto-kun! F-Furukawa-kun!" Ogawa waved goodbye and the three of us along with Matsubara-sensei entered the room, closing the doors behind us.

Advanced Nurturing High School; Student Council Room

Inside, we look to see a large table sitting in the middle of the room. To the side, we saw Mukai Yumiko and Mihara Kenshin-the Student Council President and Secretary. Along with them, there was Usui-sensei from Class C, and the three Class C students-Nishida, Hoga, and Sugiyama-all sitting down on one side of the table.

"Welcome, Class D. Please, have a seat," said Mukai.

As she told us, we took our seats on the other side of the table-across from Class C. Once I sat down, I immediately looked at Nishida and the other two students, analyzing them.

They were in bandages, and there were bruises all over their faces and bodies. Nishida's dark-brown hair covered some of the bruises on the sides of his face, and one of his brown eyes could barely be seen due to it being bruised. As for Hoga, there were a few marks on his head that were covered by his dark-purple hair, and there were many bruises on his face that mostly covered his dark-green eyes. As for Sugiyama, he was mostly the same except with indigo-colored hair and dark-red eyes, and he had a cast on his left arm.

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