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Advanced Nurturing High School; Karaoke Bar

When I arrived at the karaoke bar, I saw Furukawa standing outside the door. "You're here quite early."

"It'd be rude to show up late." Furukawa turned towards me. "What made you change your mind?"

Embarrassed, I turned and looked away from him. "I just thought it'd be good to get closer to the class. That's all."

"I see."

I sighed, then turned back to look at him. "It's probably stupid of me to do something like this, isn't it?"

"No, I don't think so," said Furukawa. "I think it's a good thing for you to get to know some people and make some friends. It'll be your first step."

"I see..." I pulled out my phone and checked the time. "We should probably head inside. Let's go." Furukawa nodded and the two of us entered inside.

After checking in with the reference desk, and using the information I got from Kurino, we made our way and found ourselves at the room where they rented. Inside, we saw our classmates hanging out with each other, smiling and laughing, and some of them singing together.

"Oh, Horikita-san, Furukawa-kun!" Kurino stood up from her seat and came towards us. "You two actually came! Thank you so much!" Kurino gave us a big smile.

"It's no problem," I said.

"Well, come on! Take a seat with me!" We both nodded, then the three of us went towards an empty table and sat down. "Is there anything you two want?"

"I'll have some green tea," said Furukawa.

"I'll take oolong tea." Kurino grabbed the tablet plugged into the wall and tapped the screen, placing in our orders. As she did that, I looked around the room, taking a glance at everyone. There seemed to be about twenty out of the total forty in our class here. From the students I saw, there was Azuma, Kawasaki, Tamaki, Hamasaki, Yoshinaga, and a few others. "I know this isn't our entire class, but I'm quite impressed that you were able to get this many of them to come here.".

"Hehe. Well, I am a good talker," said Kurino, smiling and rubbing her cheek with her finger.

"Is that so?" There was a knock at the door and one of the staff members came to us, handing us our drinks and some red bean mochi as well-something Kurino probably ordered herself. "Kurino-san, if I may ask, how many people have you talked to? Is it just our class?"

She shook her head. "No. I was able to get in touch with other people from other classes, as well as other grade levels. Actually, I've gotten quite close to the Student Council President and a few of her classmates." Kurino grabbed her drink and took a sip, which seemed to be a vanilla milkshake.

The Student Council President? In the time that we had from the first day, she's already made many friends, including Mukai and people from the other classes. Hearing that, it made me quite surprised and even more impressed. "You must be quite popular and talented then, Kurino-san."

"Hehe. Well...I wouldn't say that~, but thank you, Horikita-san." Kurino turned to Furukawa, who was sipping on his tea. "Um...Furukawa-kun, are you...bored?"

Furukawa placed his cup down. "Bored?" he repeated.

Kurino nodded and frowned. "You haven't really talked much since you came in here. And you don't really smile a lot."

"This is just how I am. It's normal for me."

"I see. I'm sorry for misunderstanding." After apologizing, Kurino glanced at the mochi, then took one and ate it. "So, how's school been so far for you guys?"

"Well enough, I suppose. It's definitely different from any normal school I went to."

"Yeah, that's true." Kurino took another mochi and ate it. "I mean, for us to have so many Points for free and to use them however we wish. It's almost like a dream."

"A dream..." I repeated. "Hey, Kurino-san, have...you figured anything out lately? Like our class being Class D?"

"Hm? What about it?" Kurino said to me, tilting her head and having a confused look on her face. It seems like she doesn't know the meaning behind our ranking yet.

"...Nevermind." If Kurino doesn't know it, then there's no need for me to elaborate even further. I had come here to get closer to my class, to...talk to them. Yet, I can't seem to bring myself to speak up. Why? I clenched my fists and thought for a moment. Because that's not what I really want. What I really want is...is not this. What am I even doing here...?


"...I'm sorry," I stood up from my seat and bowed. "I don't feel well right now. I'll be leaving."

"Eh?! Y-You're already leaving? B-But we still have some time!" I walked away from Kurino and Furukawa, exiting the room and the karaoke bar.



It seems like Horikita Misaki was unable to take any steps forward... I turned to look at Kurino who was looking down with a sad look on her face. "Kurino-san."

"I-I'm fine." Kurino looked back up with a weak smile. "You don't have to worry about me, Furukawa-kun."

"I see..."

The two of us remained silent as everyone else partied, singing and talking to each other. Kurino had looked back down, having a huge frown on her face, unable to lift her head up. I was staring at her, doing nothing but look at her as she was sad. Neither of us moved. Neither of us cared to take a drink or eat. All we did was sit still and stay silent.

"...You can leave too if you want, Furukawa-kun," she said quietly.

"...Are you sure?" I asked.

She silently nodded, then slowly looked up at me and gave a weak smile. "Yeah, it's fine. I'm...sorry. For bringing you here when you didn't want to."

"You don't have to apologize for anything, Kurino-san. If anything, I'm happy you considered inviting someone like me."

"I see..."

I stared at her for a moment, then stood up from my seat. "I'll be leaving then. Kurino-san, if there's anything I can do to make it up to you, contact me."

She nodded and smiled. "I'll take you up on that."

"Later. Enjoy your party." I waved goodbye, then left as well.


Advanced Nurturing High School; My Room

After I returned from the party, I changed into my pajamas and laid down in my bed. I was awake, staring at the ceiling above me.

"Friends...allies...classmates...what do those mean?" I muttered to myself. "Are they important to me...? Do I need them...?" I continued to stare at the ceiling and my eyes started to feel drowsy. "Otou-san, what do you think...?" I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

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