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Advanced Nurturing High School; Courtyard

I came back to the school courtyard and saw Furukawa sitting down alone on the bench, waiting for me as I told him to.

"Did things go well?" he asked.

"Yes. Ogawa-san will speak as our witness at the deliberation meeting."

"I see." Furukawa stood up and turned away, leaving without saying another word.

"Wait. Can I ask for a word of advice, Furukawa-kun?" He stopped and I faced him with his back towards me. "This issue...this trial. Do you think we could win by going in as is?"

Furukawa remained silent for a moment, then turned around. "No, I don't."

I stared at him, looking at his blank expression, then sighed. "I thought so..."

"In the possibility we could fail, do you have a backup plan for it?" he asked.

I nodded. "I already have one in mind."

"I see. You're prepared," he said. "To be one step ahead of your opponents is a sign of your growth, Horikita. Continue to think this way and you'll do well." With those last words of his, Furukawa walked away and left. Now alone, I stood still and thought to myself.

If it all goes down, then I will have no choice but to use that tactic to save Tsukamoto-kun. The same one Okaa-san used...

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