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Advanced Nurturing High School; Class 1-D

The bell rang, signaling the end of class for the day. Most of my classmates immediately stood up from their seats and walked alongside their friends, talking to each other as they made their way out of the classroom. As for me, I decided to stay in the class for a little longer before leaving on my own.

While sitting down, I pulled out my phone and opened the OAA app. On my screen, it showed my name and an update to my scores and Overall Ability.

1-D Horikita Misaki

First Year Results

Academic Ability: A (94)

Physical Ability: A- (85)

Adaptability: C (50)

Societal Contribution: A+ (99)

Overall Ability: B+ (80)

From looking at it, it all seemed correct. Out of the four, Adaptability was my lowest score, which basically calculated how I adapt to the environment around me, such as having friends, communication skills, and contributions. It made sense, considering the way I acted in the past few months and even now. Still, besides that, I was proud to have a high Overall Ability.

Besides my own, I was curious about the Overall Ability of my mysterious neighbor, Furukawa. I decided to take a look, and after finding his name, my screen changed and showed his scores.

1-D Furukawa Hideyoshi

First Year Results

Academic Ability: B (70)

Physical Ability: B (70)

Adaptability: D- (25)

Societal Contribution: B+ (80)

Overall Ability: C+ (59)

Furukawa had a lower Overall Ability than my own, but it wasn't too bad. His scores were exceptional at most. However, a part of me somehow believes that this was just a glimpse of his full potential. Still, I will say, looking at his scores made me feel a little better.

Moving on from the OAA, I thought about our class and our Class Points. At the moment, Class D has 99 CP. We were still at the bottom of the ranks and we were far from the other classes by a large margin. We need more than 471 CP if we want to move up to Class C. And if we truly wanted to get to Class A, we needed more than 921 CP.

In addition to that, besides Hasegawa and Seong from Class B, we are unaware of the other classes, from their students to their Class Representatives. We had little to no information. We know nothing of their strengths and weaknesses, which puts us at a disadvantage. It was a long and treacherous road ahead of us. And without any Private Points, it will prove to be quite difficult.

"Horikita." My thought process was suddenly interrupted by a voice and I looked up to see someone standing beside me.

"Furukawa-kun," I said.

"It's the end of class. Are you not leaving?" he asked.

"I will. At the moment, I am thinking, so I won't be leaving yet."

"I see." Furukawa walked past me. "If you're thinking about the Points, I'd suggest you forget about it. We can't do anything until we're given more information."

After hearing his words of advice, I knew that he was right. However, something about it still bothers me. What was the reason for the school holding off the Private Points in the first place? Was it so the school could test us? Or was there a problem involving one or more of our classes?

"Tsukamoto," Matsubara-sensei called out to him. "If you may, please follow me to the staff room."

"Huh? What for? Do I really have to go right now?" Matsubara-sensei glared at him, then Tsukamoto immediately stood up from his seat and left with her.

I stared at them and started to wonder what was happening. Some time ago, Matsubara-sensei called me to the staff room to talk to me privately. She told me how she figured out I was the daughter of Horikita Suzune and that I had knowledge of the school thanks to her. She also saw me as a trump card in Class D alongside Furukawa. So if Matsubara-sensei called for Tsukamoto, it must be important. Or...was there something wrong?

I shook my head, ignoring these thoughts. "I suppose I'll leave..."

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