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Advanced Nurturing High School; Hallways

After talking with the Student Council President and Secretary, both Furukawa and I left, walking together as we headed back to our dorm rooms.

I sighed and placed my hand to my forehead. "Today was an exhausting day..."

"Horikita, were you sure about that? Rejecting an invitation to the Student Council," said Furukawa.

"There was no reason for me to accept it. I had nothing I could possibly gain from joining the Student Council."

"I see." Furukawa turned to look at me. "And your Otou-san. He was the person you've been trying to learn about?"

"Yes, he is. And if you tell anyone about it, I'll kill you."

"Sorry, but I already died once."

I stared at him for a moment, then turned away. "This school...it's the only clue I have. If there's anything I can find about my Otou-san, it would be here. I hope."

There was a brief pause and a moment of silence. I glanced at Furukawa, who had gone quiet, and saw him staring at me with a blank expression that's slightly different than before.

"Is something wrong?" I asked.

Furukawa looked away from me. "No...it's nothing..."

I stared at him for a moment, wondering what it was, but then I heard a voice. "Horikita-san. Furukawa-san." The two of us turned and looked to see Hasegawa, along with Seong by his side.

"Congratulations, Horikita-san," said Seong. "Hasegawa-kun and I have to thank you for resolving this."

"No, I should be thanking the two of you," I said. "All I asked was for your cooperation, yet you lended us some of your Private Points. If it wasn't for your help, we wouldn't have been able to do it."

Hasegawa smiled. "Don't mention it. It was the least we can do to push back Class C." According to Furukawa, Hasegawa had lended him some of his Private Points to borrow to buy the fake security cameras. If it weren't for him and Seong, this plan may not have worked.

"In return for borrowing the Private Points, I heard from Furukawa-kun that you wanted to form an alliance. Is that right?" Hasegawa nodded. "I see. Then I'll accept your request. Class D and Class B will form a temporary alliance."

"Thank you, Horikita-san. I look forward to working with you and your class."

I nodded. "If I may ask, is there a reason for you two being here? I assume you didn't just come by and happen to notice us."

Hasegawa shook his head. "No. In fact, we actually came here because we wanted to talk to you. There's something important you have to know."

"Something important?" I repeated.

He nodded, then his face turned serious. "Because of you and your actions, Class C withdrew the complaint against Tsukamoto-san and ended the trial. In doing so, you made yourself a target for Class C. And not only them, but Class A as well."

"I understand Class C, but why Class A? They weren't involved in any of this."

"They weren't. However, after witnessing everything that took place between your class and Class C, I have reasons to believe that they may consider you one of their enemies-one they can't underestimate. From now on, I suspect things will start to get serious."

"I see..." Hasegawa and Seong had come here to warn us. Class C, and even Class A, could potentially come after us and attack.

"As we speak, the Class Representatives of Class C and Class A are probably making their move," said Hasegawa.

"You mean Bushida-kun," I said.

"It seems you already know Class C's leader. In that case, I won't have to speak much about their class."

"What do you know about Class A?" I asked.

"Their class is strongly united. And their Class Representatives are highly intellectual and powerful. Whatever you do, you shouldn't underestimate them, Horikita-san."

My face lit up. "You mean there's more than one...?"

Hasegawa nodded. "In Class A, they have two Class Representatives."

"Who are they?"

"...Sakayanagi Toshiro and Sakayanagi Reina. They're twins."

Sakayanagi. That name...I've heard it once before from my mother. The leader of the former Class A, Sakayanagi Arisu. If they truly were related to her...then they were a force not to be reckoned with.

Classroom of the Elite: LegacyМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя