American Gothic 4x18

281 9 1

April 21, 2011

Yesterday I returned to Mystic Falls. I spent most of my day yesterday running one prom committee alone and the other together with Care.

I was walking back home after going through some things for prom with Caroline at her house. I stop to text with Bekah , she tells me that they found Katherine. When I look up from my phone I see Nik, I jump in surprise.

"God, you scared me." I tell him.

"Sorry Ana." He says, but I can't help but feel like there is something different about him. "So what were you doing."

"I was just with Care, going over some things for prom." I answer. "Are you okay? You seem a bit weird."

"You're quite smart."

"Uh, thank you."

"You can spot the difference, most people can't."

"Okay, what's going on? If this is some weird way of flirting, please stop it's awful."

"Okay, here's a little help. I'm not Klaus."

"Silas, I presume."

"Correct. You truly are smart." Great, now I have to deal with 'immortal dick'. "No need for names. Also, why immortal dick?"

"Your immortal and a dick." I tell him like it's the most obvious thing in the world. "Also, stay the hell away from my head. And what do you want?"

"Just wanted to meet you. It was lovely meeting you." He turns to leave but suddenly stops and says. "Also congratulation." I look at him confused.

"On what?" I ask. He just smirks still looking like Nik.

"You'll find out soon. And I think you'll be great at it." With that he walks away.


After my encounter with Silas I go home to grab some things before going back to working on getting everything ready for prom with Caroline. I was going through pictures, Caroline wants to show during the prom. When I look at my phone that was on silent to see what time is it. That's when I notice over 50 messages from Nik. I scroll through them and see that he is asking me to come to his house. Seeing as it sounds urgent, I quickly say bye to Care telling her that there is an emergency before going to my car, driving to Mikaelson mansion.

I walk inside the house and start looking for Nik. "I got your messages. Where are you? Nik!" I call out.

" Go away." I hear him say, his voice gruff.

"Klaus, where are-" I cut myself off when I see Nik shirtless sitting on the floor, leaning on a piano seat. "What the hell happened?" I ask.

" I need more time. Stop hounding me!" He yells.

"I'm hounding you? You're the one that wanted me to come here, not the other way around. I have better things to do right now. "

"Little siphoner. Is it really you?" I nod. "Prove it to me."

"Why the hell would I need to prove myself?" I ask him.

" Silas. He stabbed me with the white oak stake. There's a-- a piece of it stuck inside me." Nik explains.

"Why would Silas attack you?" I ask.

"Well, I was in no position to ask questions. Suffice it to say, I'm hurt. So you can understand why I called you"

"What do you want me to do?" I ask him,

"Well, it's quite simple, really. I need you to cut the stake out of me."

"What is with you and Damon, wanting me to cut things out of you? First he makes me cut bomb out of him and now you want me cut a piece of stake out of you." I say. "Come on, turn around."


I was digging through Nik's back as he is bracing himself against the piano while I use a pair of pliers to try to dig out the white oak stake.

"There is nothing in here, if you don't count your ribs and surprisingly your heart." I tell him.

"There has to be." He insists. "Dig deeper." I dig a little deeper into Nik's back. He yells in pain and starts slamming his hand on the piano top

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry. I'm sorry." I apologize.

"It's okay. Just get it out."

"There's nothing in here,"

"I can feel it." As he says those words realization kicks in.

"Listen, earlier I met Silas. He could get inside my head, he could read my thought. What if he's just messing with your head. I don't think he even stabbed you."

"Then why does it hurts?"

"You just need to distract your mind."

"How?" I think for a few moment before kissing him, he kisses back and after a few seconds we pull away. Nik looks stun.

" It's gone." He says. "The pain. The-the pain is gone. It was-it was never there. He got in my head. inside my head." He takes my hand. "You took my mind off it. You brought me back, Ana."

I sigh. " If Silas can make you, of all people, believe that you're dying...what can he do to the rest of us?"


I enter the room where Nik is, wiping ,my hands on a towel from blood.

"I used all your bleach." I tell him.

"Thank you for helping me."

"Yeah." I say. "If you ever need someone to dig through your back...don't call me. I have a prom to plan with Care.

" Friends, then?" He asks.

"Yeah." I say as I force a smile on my face, those words hurting me.

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