Because the Night 4x17

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April 19,2011

During the night, before sun has risen, I was woken up by Rebekah who wanted us to go to New York, where Damon took Elena. Knowing she won't let me stay in Mystic Falls, I quickly got dressed and after leaving a note for Jenna who was still sleeping, we got into the car and headed for New York.

When we arrive in New York, we make our way into a dimly lit bar called Billy's. We spot Damon and Elena and make our way towards them. Rebekah hurries in front of me and slams Damon's head down onto the table where they were standing.

"Following a lead without me? Poor form, Damon. I have to say I'm a little hurt, Damon." She released his head. "I thought we made a good team. Not without its fireworks, but what classic pairing isn't?"

"Wait. What the hell are you talking about?" Elena asks."

"Damon's following a lead to the cure." I explain to my emotionless sister.

"We're following him. Notice your name never came up." Rebekah adds to my explanation.

"You're doing what?" Elena asks Damon.

"How does it feel to be wrong all the time? I brought Elena here to feed. I mean, Mystic Falls isn't exactly Vamp Xanadu right now." Damon tells Bex.

"Right. So you drove 7 hours to New York City?" Bekah rolls her eyes.

"Yes, and as I was explaining to Elena, before we were so rudely interrupted, that my history in this city has a particular resonance to her current situation." Damon turns to Elena. "When I had my humanity off."

Damon tells us what happened after Lexi found him in New York when he had his humanity off.

"Well, she sounds dreadful." Bekah comments.

"She had a Mother Teresa complex." Damon says.

"Don't be mean, she wasn't bad." I tell Damon.

"So, let me guess." Elena mutters before Damon has a chance to continue with the story. "After many dark nights with Lexi, she convinced you to turn your emotions back on, and that's exactly what you plan to do with me. Hmm."

"You read the last page of the book first, too?" Damon asks Elena and it looks like he was going to say something else. "I'll continue the story later, right now I want to introduce you to one of my oldest friends."

"You have friends other than Alaric?" I ask.

"I know it's hard to believe but he has a friend." A voice with a british accent says behind me. I turn around and see a guy who looks like he is in his early to mid 20s walking towards us.

"Girls this is my friend, Alexander Bardwell." Damon says smirking

"Alex." Alex corrects him. "It is a pleasure to meet you." He turns to Elena. "You must be Elena."

"How do you know that." Elena asks with an attitude she developed since becoming an emotionless bitch.

"Well, you look exactly like Kathrine from what I saw on the pictures." He explains then adds. "Plus Damon wouldn't shut up about you." Bekah and I chuckle at that.

"Rebekah, Rebekah Mikaelson." Bekah introduces herself.

"Ah, yes the only female original. It's wonderful to meet you." He then turns to me. "That would make you Ana Gilbert, the siphoner."

"How do you know so much about us?" I ask.

"Damon complains and talks a lot." Alex explains and Elena, Rebekah and I turn to Damon.

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