Chapter 40: Theodore

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I peeped out of my window. Winter was sitting on a chair, absorbing the sunrays filtered through the tree leaves and reading a book.
From time to time, she took a escape from the captivating world of book to look at the butterflies fluttering through flowers and playing under sun. A sweet smell of never ending spring saturated the thin air. Cold breeze caressed through her long curly blonds, causing them to fall on her reflecting face.
And her concentration went back to the book. Momentarily she stopped on her pace and lowered the level of book. Closing it, she turned back, directly looking at the window where I was standing.
Our eyes met, she held my black marbles against her deep blue sea.
And I hid myself.
Well, because I didn’t had enough courage left in me to face her.
After the night where she poured her anger, agony on me, we both have been avoiding each other. She barely came out of her room. She had her breakfast, lunch or whatever she wished for in her room. Even I, return home late at night. I don’t want us to cross the path. By the time I am back, she already is travelling in world of dreams.
And every single night, I enter her room, spend some time with the sleeping beauty, and walk out.
When she expresses herself to maids about spending time in garden, its rule for them that one shall follow her around.
I know she must be feeling like she is kept in some jail, where she cant have her own time but, it can’t be helped. I cant risk loosing her.
Not again.
I don’t know about our future. What we will be doing in near future. Will she stay with me? Or rather she would demand once again to leave this place? Marriage between us is just out of question.
But one thing is sure, I cant let her go, with or without marriage. Whether she decides to stay or leave, at the end of the day my decision will float to the surface.
I can keep a not-in-talking-term Winter with me, but I cant let her go.
I know I was, and I am still wrong.
I did wrong when I asked her not to talk to her father, or when I showered her with my anger, or when I forced her. Even now I am wrong, when I am holding her here against her will.
But at the same time she too did the wrong to me. She didn’t talked things out with me. She should have. Rather she opted to run away from me. She left me.
I got back to my work, trying my best to prevent my mind from drifting back to Winter. It was the hardest thing in this world to be done by me but okay, I will try.

That night when I returned back home, again tiptoed in direction of Winter’s room, like every other night. Like a burglar, I sneaked in shadows in my own mansion. Finally reaching her room, I turned the knob clockwise, and entered the room, only to find Winter sitting by moonlight on a rocking chair, engrossed herself in the world of book, under lamp that was barely lightening the room.
For a second, my soul left my body. But again her beauty won and held me captive; turning my legs to concrete and stare at her, rather than running off.
She lifted her lids and looked at me. And instantly I knew, she has turned uncomfortable. Closing the book, she tried to sat upright.

“It’s alright, I was just passing by?”

She stared at me as if she have seen something unbelievable, nonsense thing.

“You pass by entering each and every room.”

Questioning look surfaced her face. I was caught. Okay.

“No actually, I left something here.”

I turned back towards the door.

“In my room?”

She was determined, not letting me go unless she reaches the bottom of the interrogation. I halted on my pace and looked back at her. I looked at the depth of her beauty, where I wished myself to submerge.

“What else do you think?”

My voice turned as low as a whisper and there was pregnant pause in between us. I scrutinized at her and she lifted her lashes, as a token of favour landing her sight on me.

“I think..”

She bit her lips, debating in between whether to continue or not. And she finally decided to go with the former.

“..I think you came here like you did every other night.”

All this time, she was aware of the fact that I have been sneaking in her room?
Okay, so basically I don’t have to hide anything. But that doesn’t mean that I can turn to a shameless ass accepting my peek a boo actions. What will she think? But again, am I left with an ounce of dignity?
I stuffed my hands in the pockets, and walked near the window, peeking out at the shimmery moon, travelling in the garden of clouds.

“How long have you known this?”

She re opened book in her hand, once she got the cat of the bag.

“From the day one.”

Again she lowered the book and acted as if is thinking something.

“Or shall I say from night one?”

She looked at me raising her brows and again engrossed herself in book.

“And today you thought of catching me red handed?”

Still her eyes on the book, she replied me.

“No Theodore, I am not allowed to bear independent thoughts, will or commitments.”

I exhaled, she has all the rights to jeer at my face.

“I was not able to sleep, hence I am reading.”

I nodded my head. This is for the first time in a while where we are having some normal talk. I don’t wish to end this serene period so soon. I want to grasp at this moment.


She again looked at me. Not a word for me?

“Can’t you give me another chance?”

She sighed turning back to her book. As of she have given up on me, that ever I can be worth enough for her.

“Winter please.”

I begged her. I sat on the floor in front of her. I wanted to hold her. Her wrist, her fingers, her legs. But I don’t think so, she will like me touching her. Not now. I held myself back.

“Just one chance. I will prove myself.”

“What the hell on earth you want to prove Theodore?”

She smashed book in her hand close and frustration surfaced up her voice.

“Tell me? Can you accept that seven months back, you did wrong to me? That you crossed your limits when you re intruded my peaceful life? Or that you acted like a bastard when you reached for Luke? You seriously got him fired and black listed? You are the limit.”

She huffed and shouted in pure anger. I opened my mouth but she raised her hand, stopping me for speaking any further.

“And no I don’t like him but yes, I am a human with heart.”

No, no, no Winter. I won’t deny that it did boiled my blood listening to his name out of your mouth but not that. I did behaved like a jerk that night but..

“I want one chance to ameliorate myself. I will keep my behaviour on check.”

Something burnt the back of my eyes. Something within me choked me. It prevented the oxygen to dissolve in my blood. It felt as if that something would burst any moment.

“Don’t do this Theodore. We did a mistake. God has given us a chance, we should use it wisely.”

She turned calm. Calm as ever. Calm as sea at night.

“I wont be able to live without you.”

I whispered and she smirked. As if she found some irony in my statement.

“You are living with me Theodore. You are keeping me here against my will.”

“I will let you go, if I wont be able to prove my worth to you.”

She stilled, even I did. God knows from where did these words found courage to erupt from my lips, but it did. And the very next second my heart thumped and knocked against my rib cage.
‘What if I wont be able to prove myself?’
‘What if she begin to hate me even more?’
‘What if she really leaves me..?’

Though a storm rose within me, I kept my facial expressions stern. As if I really mean that.
She inspected me for a good minute before she nodded her head.

“Fine. There are certain conditions I have. Only after you accept those, I will give you a chance.”

I didn’t spoke. Waiting for a second or two, she continued herself.

“You wont enter my premises without my permission.”

“Sure thing.”

That an easy one. I can always ask the maids what she is doing or even better I can install some cameras in the room.

“Maids wont be following me anymore. I am allowed to go out of the mansion without a question.”

Okay! Not as easy as I thought.


I slowly nodded my head. Damn a difficult one.

“You are not allowed to disturb life of a single person ever contacted me.”


I can do this much for her.
Please Winter, no more conditions.

“You are not..”


“You are letting me go?”

She have turned to some stubborn kid. I sighed.

“Please continue.”

“You are not allowed to touch me.”


How I kept my hands to myself only I knew. That’s the most difficult task.



Anything to keep Winter within myself.

“And if you break any of the rule, you will let me go.”

“I will.”

That day wont come. I will never let any such thing to happen.

“And once you leave me, you wont claim a hair of our child.”

I turned silent. That’s the most difficult part.

“Fine then, I am giving you the last chance. And mind my words Theodore. This is the only and the vary last chance.”

“I won’t waste it.”

She turned her eyes to the book.

“Then I will be going back to my room.”

She didn’t spared me another look. She kept her eyes trained on the pages in front of her.
I walked to the door and held the knob turning it clockwise. Before stepping out of the room, I turned back to Winter. Why should just I be restless for the night?


She again didn’t looked at me.

“It’s really difficult to read upside down book. It will strain your eyes.”

She finally looked at me with her eyes all enlarged. As of any moment those marbles would pop out.
I smiled at her, before walking out of the room.

Hey my lovely readers,
Wish you all to be fine and healthy.
I hope you all liked the update and yes your complaints are welcomed in comment section. I am really sorry for the late update.

Thank you,,
Your author,

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