First Date

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"Do you realize that this is our first real date?", Fred asked after they had walked side by side for a while. Y/n shook her head. "We also met in Hogwarts."

"But not like that," Fred said. Y/n laughed. "If you say so. So, do you have anything planned for our first real date?"

He seemed a bit taken aback. "Well, I was thinking... I wasn't sure what you wanted..."

"It's okay," y/n said after letting him stammer for a while. "Because I've thought of something."

"Really? What?", he asked, but she just grinned conspiratorially. Then she led him out of Diagon Alley.

"I've never been here before," Fred said as she led him through London for a while. She nodded. "I thought so, it's for Muggles."

When they stopped at a small Café, Fred's eyes widened. "I've never eaten anything like that before. I have to tell Dad about this."

Y/n thought it was cute how interesting Fred found this parallel world. However, things hadn't been any different for her back then. As long as she had lived with her parents, anything involving Muggles had been taboo. Only when she moved in with Brigitte, her aunt did show her this other London.

Because Fred was a bit overwhelmed, y/n ordered for both of them. As they sat down outside, Fred pointed to a man at the next table working on his laptop. "What is that?"

"A kind of typing and search machine," she answered. Fred seemed a little suspicious. "It looks strange."

"What kind of dishes are these?", he then asked when they got their orders. When the young waitress looked at Fred a little strangely, y/n had to giggle. "That's modern."

"Ah," Fred wasn't convinced. But he still enjoyed his food. When y/n paid afterwards, Fred shook his head. "The money is paper. Why?"

"That's just the way it is," y/n said and shrugged her shoulders. Then she took his hand. "Come on, I'll show you more."

He let himself be pulled along excitedly. The afternoon was really fun. Because Fred had so many questions and y/n was amused by his inexperience, they laughed a lot. They went into a souvenir shop, then into a clothing store. Finally, y/n dragged him to the London Eye, which Fred wasn't at all comfortable with. He clung to y/n like crazy as the gondola of the Ferris Wheel lifted them up.

"You played Quidditch for years," y/n said blankly. Fred looked at her as if she had tried to kill him. "But I have control over my broom."

Afterwards it slowly became dark, so the two of them started their way home. Fred insisted that y/n accompany him home. When they arrived at the apartment above the store, George came running straight away. "So how... Oh y/n, you're here too."

"Hi Georgie," y/n said, winking at him. George laughed. "So, how was it? Your Date."

"Amazing, you should have seen what she showed me," Fred started to tell. But y/n interrupted him. "Ah yes? You almost shit your pants on the Ferris Wheel."

George laughed then nudged y/n. "You wanna stay for dinner?"

Y/n bit her bottom lip indecisively, but Fred answered for her. "Yes, she wants to."

Y/n raised her eyebrows in surprise, but then she nodded. As they sat down at a small table in the kitchen, y/n smiled. "You are really mature now. The shop, you live alone, make your own food."

"Come on, don't act like that," George said, handing her a plate. But he was grinning.

"Have you actually made up again now?", George then asked. Fred nodded. "Sure."

Now George looked at y/n. She also nodded. "Sure. But we didn't even argue for a long time."

George laughed. "Of course. You haven't seen each other for a long time too."

"Right, maybe we should keep that in mind," y/n murmured. Fred gave his brother a warning look. "Don't you dare give her any stupid ideas."

When they had finished eating, they stayed sat at the table for a while and talked. It ended up getting pretty late, which was why Fred then turned to y/n as George was doing the dishes. "You could sleep here tonight."

"I could," y/n replied. Fred tugged at her sleeve impatiently. "And will you?"

Y/n shrugged. "I don't have any of my things with me."

Now George spoke up from the kitchen sink, waving his wand to wash the dishes. "Stop playing hard to get. You kiss him, you might as well use his toothbrush."

Y/n looked at George with wide eyes. "Just find a girlfriend for yourself and leave me alone."

"So you're his girlfriend?", George asked cheekily and y/n killed him with narrowed eyes. Nevertheless, she agreed to sleeping at their place. So Fred led her into the bathroom. He pulled a towel out of a cupboard, then pointed to the sink. "My toothbrush is the blue one, I'll put some of my pajamas out for you. My room is at the back of the corridor on the left."

"Can I also get sheets on the couch?", y/n asked, hiding her grin because she wasn't serious and already knew how he would react. And he immediately looked at her unhappily. "Couch? Why couch? I thought you..."

"That was a joke," y/n laughed and pulled the towel out of his hand. Fred narrowed his eyes. "Little devil."

Then he left her alone. Somehow y/n felt strange. At the same time, it seemed absolutely right for her to be here now. After all, they were the twins, Fred and George.

When she came into Fred's room wrapped in the towel, he was already wearing his pajamas. There was a similar set on the bed. While y/n got dressed in her pajamas, Fred went into the bathroom himself to brush his teeth. When he came back, y/n was sitting cross-legged on his bed.

"George wishes you a good night, he didn't want to disturb anymore," Fred said as he closed the door behind him. Y/n rolled her eyes, but had to grin. "Well, thank you."

Fred now stood in the room, a little hesitant. Y/n looked at him questioningly. "What's going on? Turn off the lights and sleep, come to bed."

So that's what he did, but somehow the situation didn't seem quite as comfortable to him. So they initially laid next to each other with a little distance.

"Do you remember the slap? And when I said you were crazy?" In the dark, y/n turned to him. "Yes. And I'm sorry."

"Me too. I'm sorry too," he answered and also turned on his side. "I've thought about it often."

"I didn't, I had exams," y/n said mischievously and he laughed. "Sure."

Then he finally reached out, buried his hand in her hair, and gave her a kiss. It was the first kiss since the slap. Y/n hadn't realized how much she had missed this. Without thinking about it, she moved closer to him and snuggled into his chest. He immediately wrapped his arms around her. And that was how they stayed the whole night.

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