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So the next morning, y/n was saying goodbye to the twins and strolling through Diagon Alley, when she suddenly stopped abruptly. There was a note hanging in the window of a small bakery. Searching for someone to help out, spontaneous shifts. She didn't know exactly what made her do this, but after thinking for a moment, y/n walked through the door. It was comfortably warm in the bakery and smelled wonderful.

"Hello," a young woman with light blonde hair came towards her with a smile. Otherwise the tables were empty. "Sit down and I'll bring you the menu straight away."

"I don't actually want to buy anything," y/n said. The young woman looked at her in surprise. "I saw the note, that you were looking for a temporary worker."

"Oh," the Blondie smiled at her. "Then sit down anyway, I'll come to you in a moment. Would you like tea? Coffee? Cake?"

"I would take a cup of coffee," y/n smiled and the woman nodded before she walked away and y/n sat down at one of the tables.

"By the way, I'm Laura," the young woman said as she came back with two cups and sat down at the table too. Y/n gratefully accepted her coffee. "My pleasure. I'm y/n."

"I'm happy to meet you too," Laura smiled before getting straight to the point. "So you're interested in the position, have you done anything like this before?"

Y/n shook her head. "Until now I was a student at Hogwarts. But I learn quickly."

"Well then," Laura smiled. "However, I have to warn you right away. Because of the current situation, not many people are coming to eat cake."

"I understand," y/n mumbled. There was worse news every day in the Daily Prophet. Laura nodded. "But that's also a reason why I'm looking for someone to work here with me. I just feel a little unsafe in the store alone. "

"I understand that too," y/n said. Laura seemed satisfied with her answers. "Then let's do it like this. You come to try out work in the next few days, then you decide. But to be honest, you're the only one who has contacted me so far, so I would be happy."

"Yes, I'd love to," y/n nodded and that's what they did. Brigitte was unsure what to think of it. She felt that y/n was wasting some of her potential. Still, y/n took the job. And Laura didn't just let her work as a waitress and cashier. After a while, every morning before the store opened, they stood together in the kitchen and prepared the cakes and baked goods. Baking, decorating and arranging was not only fun for y/n, it also calmed her down. Y/n had never been so deeply relaxed. Maybe it was also because she usually went to the twins during lunch breaks and after work. And since they were no longer at school, y/n and Fred hadn't fought anymore. Somehow everything was fine. But somehow the whole thing felt like the calm before the storm.

Today y/n was also a little uneasy when she said goodbye to Laura around four. During the week they finished work so early. On Fridays and weekends they served until eight in the evening.

The twins were open until seven o'clock every day, though, so George rolled his eyes when she came through the door and asked for Fred. "Office, but he's still working. Y/n! Don't even think about distracting him."

Y/n just grinned and stuck her tongue out at George before walking off towards the office. It was true, sometimes she had some fun with Fred while he officially was at work. But she never went to far. Still George was a little annoyed about it, from time to time.

When she knocked on the door today, no come in was answered. So she opened the door just like that. When she poked her head into the room, she saw Fred sitting at the desk. He was engrossed in some papers.

"Hey, what are you doing?", she asked and closed the door behind herself. When he looked up, he seemed a bit perplexed. He probably had only noticed her now. "Invoices."

"Well, I'm already off work," y/n grinned and strolled towards him. Fred, who had already lowered his gaze to the paper again, hummed tiredly. "Good for you."

"Looks boring," y/n mumbled when she reached him and leaned over him to see what was written on the papers. He didn't give her an answer and signed a few documents. She looked over his shoulder for a while, then, without really thinking about it, she turned her head to the side and ran the tip of her nose along his neck. God, he smelled so good.

"Stop it!" Fred had jumped as soon as he had felt her touch and dropped his quill. Y/n chuckled softly before she stuck out her lower lip in mock sadness. "Oh, why?"

"George will get mad if I don't finish this. You're here way too often anyway," Fred replied. Y/n raised her eyebrows. "Too often?"

"You know I don't mean it like that," Fred replied immediately. But y/n felt like being offended a little further. As said, she was feeling kind of uneasy today, which made her a little cocky. "Oh yeah?"

"Yes. I like having you here, but..." he started again, but y/n interrupted him. "Wonderful, I like being here too."

Then she pushed herself between his chair and the desk and sat with her legs spread across his lap, so that she could look at him. As she sat down, Fred let out a shaking breath before pressing his lips together.

"I actually really like being here," y/n now smiled innocently at him and put her hands around his neck. She saw how Fred tried to stay serious. But finally he started to grin. "I'm serious, I have to get this done."

He didn't sound particularly credible. Especially because he now started running his hands up and down her back. Still, y/n knew that she should actually leave him alone. She sighed. "Yes, sure. It's nice for you that your shop fills you up so much."

"Isn't your work fulfilling you?", he wanted to know and stroked a strand of hair behind her ear. Y/n shrugged her shoulders. "Brigitte thinks I'm wasting my potential."

"How come? Just because you did well in school doesn't mean you have to work as hard at work. Plus, you can do whatever you enjoy. Are you having fun in the bakery?", Fred now wanted to know. Y/n nodded. Fred seemed satisfied. "Well then there's nothing wrong with that. Now get out, otherwise I'll get absolutely nothing done."

Y/n grumbled but stood up again. But before she walked away, Fred grabbed her again, pulled her down to him and kissed her. So y/n left the office with rosy cheeks. Then she went upstairs to the twins' apartment to wait until they also got off work.

A Raven and a Lion  Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz