"Collette Hollis." I was called up, I walked with everyone else cheering just like they had for Zoë, along with Colton and Kinsley. As I walked up, I watched as Valentina had upturned corners on her lips.

I didn't do anything obviously but if it was allowed I would've kissed her.

As I left I watched her face return back to a stone cold front.

Other people went up and we waited for birdie to be called and when she did get called up, we all cheered. Really excitedly.

"Now I'd like to welcome our valedictorian." Valentina spoke into the microphone.

I didn't want valedictorian but thankfully birdie did.

She walked up and stood at the podium. "Before I get into what I actually want to say, I'd like to thank every single teacher here who put up with the graduating class. Through our turned in late work, incompleted work and the countless of keep quiets you all had to dish out." She spoke and almost everyone let out a little laugh.

"Our graduating class is immaculate but not because we all made it here today but because of the amount of incomplete work we turned in and we still made it here." She said with a smile.

"Aside from the incomplete work, we all did really well to be able to make it here. The hours we put in after school and the bruised social lives we all have, have finally paid off. As we move onto college I hope for three things for our class. One, that we take what we've learned here at Ambrose high school and apply it every day in college or the other adventures we might go on after this. Two, to carry out the long lasting friendships we've made here, past the trials and tribulations of college and finally to regain our social lives." She laughed along with everyone else.

"This is the graduating class of the year and I hope the after party at the beach is as much fun as the football game during the first week." She said and everyone clapped and cheered as she stepped off the stage. 

Valentina made a very short speech followed by Mrs Morris where we turned our tassels and then we had a countdown until we threw our caps into the air.

We graduated.

Happy tears were shed. By the time we finished it was only one in the afternoon.

I went up to Colton who still seemed to be talking to Zoë's dad.

"Hey kiddo. You've graduated." He hugged me tight.

"It feels so surreal." I said as Zoë came too. Her and Quinn holding hands.

"I know I feel that way too." Zoë said with a smile as she held Quinn close.

"Lucky lady?" Colton asked.

"Sometimes i feel like im going to have to plan a wedding for these two very soon." Zoe's dad chuckled.

"Dad." Zoë said and Quinn blushed.

"Hey." Val whispered in my ear from behind me. All her other friends were behind her too, including the twins who seemed all too excited.

"Val." I wrapped my arms around and then the twins who also wanted hugs.

"Okay kiddo, do you want to—"

"No, I'll go with Val." I said already knowing his question.

"That works out. I'm going to drop Kinsley off at Nala's house and then I'm off." He said with a smile and Zoë's dad chuckled too.

"Okay." I said. Colton and Zoë's dad said their goodbyes before they both left.

We drove here in my car so I had to drive back to vals house. Val said to wait twenty minutes after she left and she'd see me at home and left. I stayed talking with Zoe and Quinn for the whole twenty minutes until they decided to go and I left too.

Teachers TapestryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora